Saturday, September 26, 2015

Forecast for Saturday 26 September 2015

Saturday 26 September 2015

~Reaching for That which Saves~

Moon in Pisces   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:33a PT | 12:33p ET | 4:33p UT   * / |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues 
until 1:48p PT | 4:48p ET | 8:48p UT   ** /

In a word, Horrid day!

Or, well, just make it something good. See The Mother's comments, from her amazing life of spiritual experiment and advancement, later in this report. She did say that astrological aspects apparently had a meaning and an "influence"--I have the proof of that, from her Agenda. But she also taught that, of course, we can transcend them. Which is a large part of the purpose of her and Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. 

My intention here is to point out the astrological conditions, easy or difficult, to help you to rise beyond them. It's hard (or perhaps impossible) to steer around an obstacle in the road if you don't see it. I am trying to provide that vision. If you were perfect in the Integral Yoga, perhaps you would see and steer around the obstacles without the help of astrology. But I am not convinced of that, since astrology in its realness is a part of the Integral Yoga--has to be, since all real human knowledge is part of it. And so please do not blame me or astrology for pointing out the obstacles. We are trying to help.

In accord with the Mercury Retrograde period, I feel like talking about yesterday (Friday) rather than today (Saturday). That is, we reminisce at these times--we recall, retrogress, review, even repent. I have to hand it to the Pope, he faced Friday with real panache, real spiritual strength (as well as physical). I felt like chilling out all day. I blamed the moon's presence in Pisces close to Neptune, opposing Mars in Virgo, plus Mercury retrograde, plus Mars very tightly square Saturn. I'm sure the Pope felt all this too but like the spiritual warrior he is he pressed on. It must not have been easy.The moon in Pisces is very much aware of dependence on the Supreme (even if some of those who have it might be atheists; they do it somehow or other), and the general public was glad to take that dependent role by calling Francis "papa." That was easier for them than it was for him.

Today the |difficult third| of this week ends at the time above but it is replaced by a /void-of-course period. We will behaving more of those in the near future than we have had for a few months because Saturn has left its "catcher" position at the end of Scorpio and will not be "fielding" the moon, or catching it when it is no longer forming aspects to any other planets.

Part of the reason for my "horrid" assessment is Mars's square with Saturn, which I seem to be feeling big-time. Combined with Mercury retrograde it is a feeling of how hard everything is, how complex (Mars in Virgo), how hard to understand (Saturn in Sagittarius)--and so why not just give up? That is what John Boehner did yesterday. I do not condemn him; it might have been time for him to step down. As I have remarked here at least ten or twelve or twenty times since 1999 when I started this report, there are more resignations during Mercury retrograde times than other times. That can be a correct response to a situation, sometimes, but I usually recommend that people wait until the end of the retrograde period, or even the whole Dark Hermetic Epoch, before quitting a job , to be sure they are not just succumbing to spinelessness.

Much effort seems required today, just to get through it. Then more effort if you want to transcend its limitations. Then more spiritual effort if you want to reach the skies of Ananda (spiritual bliss in the midst of work and activity). Spiritual reading and prayer are essential for me, and maybe for most; and the spiritual reading can be effective even if one has to force oneself to do it for a half hour or more, until one feels the power of the Word lifting one up. One has to prime the pump of inspiration by reading those words, perhaps aloud, as if one didn't believe in them until finally understanding or inspiration breaks through and one is lifted skyward. 

Here is a remarkable experience of The Mother (of the Integral Yoga with Sri Aurobindo), from May 14, 1966 (her Agenda, lengthy and wonderful conversations with her disciple Satprem):

The other day I had an extraordinary experience, in which all the pessimistic arguments, all the negations and denials came from all sides, represented by everybody. And then, those who believed in the presence of a God or something – something more powerful than they and ruling the world – were in a fury, a dreadful revolt: "But I want none of him! But he spoils all our life, he ..." It was a dreadful revolt, from every side, a truckload of abuse for the Divine with such force of asuric reaction from every side. So I sat there (as if Mother sat in the middle of the mêlée), watching: "What can be done?..." You know, it was impossible to answer, impossible, there wasn’t one argument, not one idea, not one theory, not one belief, nothing, nothing whatsoever that could answer it. For the space of a second, the impression was: it’s hopeless. Then, all of a sudden ... all of a sudden ... It’s indescribable (gesture of absolute abandon). There was that violence of revolt against things as they are, and, mixed with it, there was: "Let this world disappear, let nothing remain, let it not exist!" All that, which at bottom is a revolt, all that nihilist revolt: let nothing remain, let everything cease to exist. It reached a height of tension, and just at the height of tension, when you felt there was no solution, suddenly ... surrender. But something stronger than surrender – it wasn’t abdication, it wasn’t self-giving, it wasn’t acceptance, it was ... something much more radical, and at the same time much sweeter. I can’t say what it was. It had the joy and flavor of giving, but with such a sense of plenitude!

 ... Like a dazzling flash, you know, suddenly like that: the very essence of surrender, the True Thing. 

It was ... it was so powerful and marvelous, such sublime joy that the body started quivering for a second. Afterwards it was gone. 

And after that, after that experience, all of it, all the revolt, all the negation, all of it was as if swept away. 

If one could keep that, that experience, keep it constantly – it’s there, it’s always there; it’s there, of course, but I have to stop in order to feel it. I have to stop – stop speaking, moving, acting – in order to feel it in its plenitude. But if it were here, ACTIVE ... it would be All-Powerfulness. It means becoming "That" instantaneously. 

{Saturday} ~Reaching for That which Saves~

Cosmic Piper

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