Monday, September 28, 2015

Forecast for Tuesday 29 September 2015

Tuesday 29 September 2015

\Love as More than Possession/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus   
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:46a PT | 3:46a ET | 7:46a UT   ** /
until it enters Taurus at 6:58p PT | 9:58p ET | 1:58a(W) UT   ***

I feel I failed to report on a difficult phase in the afternoon and early evening (in the U. S., later in Europe and India) of Monday, relying too much on Luna's trine with Venus in late evening. I was not looking at the moon's minor aspects. Indeed, to do that every day would be a real chore, and they tend to be specific to a few-hour period so I would have to indicate them for all three time zones, an almost impossible task unless I were being salaried to do it. But I see that in the afternoon of Monday there were intense minor aspects of the moon with both Saturn and Mars, and in my own experience this was intense, a blow-up of anger. I did feel the beneficent moon-trine-Venus aspect in the evening, especially late, but it did not have enough power to overcome the underlying Saturn aspects. We have to do that ourselves through our spiritual growth into the sort of love Saturn cannot spoil.

Anyway, we do what we can. Saturn at point focus is the bogeyman. Venus's square with him is beginning to be serious. I started to feel it yesterday when it was at about the 8 degree orb position; today it is slightly closer. It can be worries about love, a feeling that "nobody loves me, I have lost my best love, where can I turn, where go, whom call, to feel wanted or needed?" We have had plenty of that already, but Venus's retrogradation and then forward motion means that it is "Deja Vu all over again" to quote the beloved man who passed on a couple weeks ago (Yogi Berra). Or, as he also said, "The future ain't what it used to be," that is, the future of your love life may not seem as rosy as it did a while back. I saw that in people's faces last night, and felt it in the atmosphere. 

Differing races have fun with one another in the schoolyard.
A boy stands alone, gazing toward the girls playing their silly
Games, without sympathy. He stays away from them. He'd rather
Laugh with the other boys, even be the butt of jokes, comedian.

The chickenyard is attacked by hawks unless its owner
Takes protective measures. The endless battle threatens to
Disintegrate the business. The woman proprietor, however, 
Knows besides the ways of fowls the ways of love miraculous.

The woodland life includes the cutting down of trees, sometimes, 
But the woodman's heart is kind despite the rudeness of his
Labor. A rainbow appears beyond the hut that he has built,
Wherein his son is molded by his mother's hopes and aspirations.

{Tuesday} /Love as More Than Possession\

Cosmic Piper

"Love is a passion and it seeks for two things, eternity and intensity, and in the relation of the Lover and Beloved the seeking for eternity and for intensity is instinctive and self-born. Love is a seeking for mutual possession, and it is here that the demand for mutual possession becomes absolute. Passing beyond desire of possession which means a difference, it is a seeking for oneness, and it is here that the idea of oneness of two souls merging into each other and becoming one finds the acme of its longing and the utterness of its satisfaction. Love, too, is a yearning for beauty, and it is here that the yearning is eternally satisfied in the vision and touch an the joy of the All-Beautiful. Love is a child and a seeker of Delight, and it is here that it finds the highest possible ecstasy both of the heart-consciousness and of every fibre of the being. Moreover, this relation is that which as between human being and human being demands the most and, even while reaching the greatest intensities, is still the least satisfied, because only in the Divine can it find its real and its utter satisfaction. Therefore it is here most that the turning of human emotion Godwards finds its full meaning and discovers all the truth of which love is the human symbol, all its essential instincts divinised, raised, satisfied in the bliss from which our life was born and towards which by oneness it returns in the Ananda of the divine existence where love is absolute, eternal and unalloyed." 

--Sri Aurobindo

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