Friday, September 6, 2024

Message for Weekend, and Coming Week: September 7-14 \Light Dawning?/

Message for Weekend, and Coming Week: September 7-14

\Light Dawning?/

It is interesting that the favorable Venus trine Jupiter aspect, discussed further on in this report, will be in force during the presidential debate on the 10th, and that Venus is in Libra, Harris's sign, while Jupiter is in Gemini, Trump's sign! Sweetness and light? Not likely, but Harris people will think she "won" while Trump people will think he "won," and the show goes on. 

One thing to remember: You are neither going crazy nor "losing it." It's important to keep having faith that your path will get clearer and less obstructed, beginning September 12 if not sooner. We are still in the Dark or Dismal Hermetic Epoch, a time fore*view and re*construction, maybe re*pentance, but not re*lapse nore*crimination. Others are feeling it as well, whether they let on or not. Little things go astray, schedules get out of pattern, and so one questions whether big things shall ever be possible. Give it time.

Jupiter square Saturn is a major aspect lasting from July 6 this yeauntil until July 31 2025, more than a year. It challenges us with the question, What are you doing here, anyway? What does your soul want you to accomplish in this lifetime? Sadness and despair afflict us when we feel we are not living up to our mission. 

You may sense this in others also, especially those close to you. They are judging themselves and realizing that they are not fully rising to the challenge the Supreme may be setting for them. 

Accentuating this soul-depth is the opposition of the sun and Saturn from August 22 until September 24. It is a normal aspect requiring attention to responsibilities. Older people see younger ones as foolish and the younger see the older as "out of it" or arrogant. Finishing daily duties early each day is a helpful policy, leaving time forest and recuperation. 

Venus and Mars in a square began August 5 and continues until September 8, this Sunday. Human relations and close relationships have been suffering from doubt and disagreement. Have you broken up with someone, or have some been unaccountably distant? There may be a thawing of the ice beginning Sunday, especially because a trine between the two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, begins this Friday September 6 and lasts through Sunday September 22. This is one of the finest aspects in astrology. Both material and spiritual blessings flow, to sweeten and soften the hard Saturn aspects just pointed out.

There are two kinds of Time on our planet. One, when Mercury is speeding forward, is a Bright Hermetic Epoch (or Quick, or Brazen, or Bold, get it?). It lasts about two months. The other, when Mercury is slow oretrograde, is a Dark Hermetic Epoch (or Dull, or Dithering, or Dallying, get it?). 

Because both last about two months, I call them Epochs. The Dark one seems endless. It began July 17, and immediately Joe Biden resigned, Kamala Harris was not-nominated which means nominated, the Kennedy campaign was suffering endless unjust lawsuits while the Trump campaign was mercilessly persecuted by lawfare, pushing the K and T campaigns to join forces. It's the Dark or Dismal or Doubtful Epoch. Nobody seems to know what is going on much less what may happen by November 5. A new Bright Epoch begins September 12, ending November 6, the day after the election. Does that mean we shall be thrust into more lawfare over the election results? I hope and pray for a better outcome than that.

What about your own business and personal life? Dismal or just doubtful, since July 17? Of course we all have good or happy hours and moments in any Epoch. Such is the Grace of God. But He or She also seems to be challenging us to re*view and re*form and re*organize our lives to the best our mental powers can manage, aided by much intuition, which can operate in almost supernatural ways during a--shall we say--Deliverance Epoch. 

A few keys, since we have another 6 days of the DHE: 

Go slow.

Haste makes waste.

Humble prayer is efficacious. 

God hears even when His response is hard to fathom.

The human mind needs to be receptive to the Divine Mind. 

Tangles shall untangle in their own sweet time. Tangling with the tangle may make it tangle more. It is sometimes better to tango than tangle.

Music is good. 

People have their own ways of perceiving and judging things, often very different from yours. 

It's not that all the tangles shall untangle immediately on September 12 but that most will be less and less disturbing, through the rest of September and October, as workable options come into view.

Until then it's good to try to keep up with the most important routines, even while dropping some pointless ones. Extra rest often goes along with out-of-pattern scheduling. Good. But "flaking off" too much is not helpful.

This report is partially a replay of what I posted earlier this week. It definitely remains relevant.

By the end of this week, Thursday or so, we may, each in their own way, breathe a sigh of relief. Light is dawning.

{Week of September 7-14} /Light Dawning\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 7: Moon in Scorpio, and the Via Combusta

Sunday 8: Moon remains in Scorpio. It leaves the Burning Way at 4:38a PT | 7:38a ET

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