Friday, September 13, 2024

Message for Saturday 14 September 2024, and Sunday and the Coming Week

Message for Saturday 14 September 2024, and the Coming Week

Saturday: }Toward the Sublime{

A bridge, broken and dilapidated, spans the dry

Bed of a river. Projects fall through, one after the

Other, when one follows a false trail. Is one

Qualified to be an animal trainer, sufficiently


Patient and resolute? Or ought one first to train

Oneself, enlisting deft potentials, learning

Devotion from the animals? Game birds train

Themselves for the sake of their young, feathering


Their nests meticulously. A group destiny evokes

High intelligence and skill. The natural course of

Things reflects the mundane or Celtic cross held

Above Nature's mysteries by a student and revealer


Of the strange and curious. He and Nature are

Authors of the Sublime loved by true souls.


{Saturday} {Toward the Sublime}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius 

/moon goes void-of-course at 0:36a PT | 3:36a PT

until it enters Aquarius at 0:55a PT | 3:55a ET

\/ \/ \/

Sunday 15, and Week of September 14-21

It is curious that Venus, the ruler of Libra, Kamala Harris's sun-sign, entered that sign (which strengthens it) on August 29 (leaving by September 22) and was there during the much-ballyhooed debate which Harris "won" according to most viewers. It was trine, favorable aspect, Jupiter in Gemini, Trump's sun-sign. This brought them together, though not amicably. But Saturn from one side and the sun from the other besieged Jupiter, therefore Trump, during current weeks and within three degrees the day of the debate. 

I do not predict the election. A Twitter astrologer with high talent, Starheal, has been predicting a Trump victory for two years, and last week wrote that although she now feels that Harris could win, she is not going back on her prediction. I sympathize with her predicament, having made political predictions which failed. I don't think astrology was meant for that. One can learn a lot about the candidates by studying their charts, but not whether or not they deserve to win or shall win. 

Not just Trump but all of us continue to suffer from the hard Saturn-Jupiter-sun T-square. It requires us to stay faithful to any obligations we have assumed. Not just Harris but all of us continue to benefit from the Venus-Jupiter trine. It is pleasure, satisfaction and fulfillment along whatever lines are most important to us. Mercury joins the opposition and square so we will want to study and learn, honing our skill-sets. Mars in Cancer, sign of the home, suggests weatherizing at this time of the year. Let' stay cozy.

{Week of September 14-21} /Responsible and Cozy\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 15: Moon in Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:05p PT | 1:05a(M) ET

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