Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Message for Thursday 19 September 2024 ^Benevolence^

Message for Thursday 19 September 2024


A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish

Enters new experience without inhibition, with

Simple curiosity, trusting her inclinations.

A farmer's cart is loaded with farmyard manure


Which he uses scientifically as an industrious

Agriculturist. His horse is strong like himself.

His pride is a wide-branching tree laden with

Fruit. His disposition is full, rich and generous,


His habits husbandly, his merits predestining him

To success. His family is large; peace of mind

Falls to him. He dwells in a rustic cottage overarched

By a spreading cedar tree. He is always ready to


Shelter, befriend and succor the wayside traveler.

Homely simplicity and works of benevolence mark his life.

{Thursday} ^Benevolence^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries

The planetary aspects point to work, responsibility, plodding on with needed activities. The sonnet idealizes all that.

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