Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Message for Wednesday 18 September 2024 ^Charming^

Message for Wednesday 18 September 2024


The bluntness of a broken mallet does not aid

A carpenter's backwardness and lack of executive

Power. Unwary, he gives in to more active

Workers. His daughter, a tiny nude miss, is reaching


In the water for a fish, following her inclinations

Without inhibition but with simple curiosity

And freshness of soul. A man passes by carried

By four others in a sedan chair. A favorite of fortune,


He has become idle and self-indulgent. Will his

Luck hold out? He gets out to walk with the others

Up an elevated promontory, illumined by the sun

And crowned with variously colored flowers.  


Though prone to conceit and amenable to flattery,

He is attractive and graced with abundant charm.


{Wednesday} ^Charming^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

A Full Moon occurred Tuesday at 7:36p PT | 10:36p ET

/moon is void-of-course for only 21 minutes before it enters Aries at 2:25a PT | 5:25a ET

|Karmically challenging third| of week ends at 5:56a PT | 8:56a ET

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