Sunday, September 8, 2024

Message for Monday 9 September 2024 ^Theatricality^

Message for Monday 9 September 2024


Angular in appearance and barren in sympathy,

He panders to popular taste, the views of the moment,

Thinking slightly of his best friends and not

Confiding in them. Sometimes he resembles a cat


Arguing with a mouse. He has prepared himself to

Justify himself and get a sanction for his inborn

Desires. Or if this fails he is not beyond use of

Compulsion, like a wolf carrying away a lamb.


Deception, cunning and avarice seem normal rather than

Cruel. Criminality becomes his lot quite sneakily.

Or will the wolf take off a forbidding mask to reveal 

Mimicry oimitation, and invite the lamb


To a rustic party? All becomes theatrical. "Scared you, 

Didn't I?" Laugh at evil; it shrinks away.


{Monday} ^Theatricality^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:12a PT | 1:12p ET

until it enters Sagittarius at 10:27a PT | 1:27p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 12:12p PT | 3:12p ET (until late Wednesday night, with its peak at the time of the debate on Tuesday)

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