Monday, September 2, 2024

Message for Tuesday 3 September 2024 \Alluring Endowments/

Message for Tuesday 3 September 2024

\Alluring Endowments/

Between high mountains nestles the yard of a

Farmhouse, entered by a white gate, the home 

Of creatures and objects of a white color. When their

Owner ventures out, wandering, he climbs a rock 


Above a lake whence he ogles swimmers below.

Their allurement causes him to lose his footing

And fall into the lake. This is embarrassing for his

Professional position. He takes up the study of the


I Ching, 8x8 hexagrammatic messages. 

Secrets thus revealed turn him into a mystic whose

Profound understanding restores his reputation.

Now the natural endowments of bathing beauties,


Lounging radiant and reliant among the crowd,

Are a worthy manifestation of changeless charm.


{Tuesday} /Alluring Endowments\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week| is exact about 6a PT | 9a ET, continuing until Wednesday afternoon about 4p PT | 7p ET

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