Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Message for Wednesday 11 September 2024 ^Preventing Dispersion^

Message for Wednesday 11 September 2024

^Preventing Dispersion^

In an old door a dagger has been stuck. Some strike

At existing systems with nothing better to replace them.

Mocking and taunting bring retribution on the foolish.

A sequence of events set in motion is hard to stop,


But no given action has to be continued to a point of

Self-cancellation. An automobile will not be wrecked by

A train if the driver, faithful to himself, reorganizes

Events before disintegration. A lion's head exposed


In the forest shows he is prepared for any attack. 

His superior strength makes him void of fear. 

A square patch of lawn is set aside for badminton or

Lawn tennis. A red cloth spread for a picnic


Forecasts plenteous pleasure. There could be willful

Waste and artificiality, but life goes on.


{Wednesday} ^Preventing Dispersion^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:22p PT | 8:22p ET

until it enters Capricorn at 7:39p PT | 10:39p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 8:56p PT | 11:56p ET

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