Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Message for Thursday 12 September 2024 \True to Oneself and All/

Message for Thursday 12 September 2024

\True to Oneself and All/

Creative reorganization of experience could be

Dispersion, as an automobile wrecked by a

Train. Yet the driver could stop in time to save

Lives, being true to himself more than to traffic.


At home is a room full of machinery and jars

Of chemicals, materials for invention and experiment.

Perception and activity unite. Will he become rich,

Carrying a money-bag in each hand, acquisitive and


Mercenary, gaining wealth by easy means whether

Or not just? Covetous and speculative?

At last he becomes proprietor of a well-lighted house

The door of which is open to acquaintances and


Friends whom he entertains with the best of fare.

Prosperous and hospitable, he is happy.


{Thursday} /True to Oneself and All\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn

A new Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months began Wednesday at about 5p PT | 8p ET, until November 7. It replaces the Dark or Dithering Epoch of July 17 through (most of) September 11. Let us hope that we as individuals, and humanity as a whole, shall be guided more perspicaciously.

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