Sunday, September 15, 2024

Message for Monday 16 September 2024 ~Research Plus Beyond-the-Mind Charm~

Message for Monday 16 September 2024

~Research Plus Beyond-the-Mind Charm~

An infant is naked, exposed in a dreary place,

Surrounded by beasts and birds of prey. Yet

Some strange power, unseen, protects this

Embodied image of innocence. An old man in a


Gown and skull cap, surrounded by chemical and

Other instruments, observes all things carefully,

Systematically, patiently--a researcher in 

Nature's secrets. Yet he cannot tabulate the


Behavior of rabbits dressed in clothes and on

Parade. Their consciousness reaches upward toward

Habiliments of higher than bunny implication.

Likewise human beings appropriate what belongs to


Superior dimensions. A golden ball suspended from

The ceiling of a circular hall rays forth mystical charm.


{Monday} ~Research Plus Beyond-the-Mind Charm~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:05pSunday PT | 1:05aMonday ET

until it enters Pisces at 2:40a PT | 5:40a ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week begins at 3:59a PT | 6:59a ET (until Wednesday morning)

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