Thursday, September 19, 2024

Message for Friday 20 September 2024 \Secret Splendor/

Message for Friday 20 September 2024

\Secret Splendor/

Some are inured to the beaten track of homely,

Arduous work, as if asses tethered to the shafts

Of grinding mills. Unambitious, disregarding their

Limitations, they serve. One resembles a lion whose


Head is the only part exposed, alert and on the

Defensive, prepared for any attack in the consciousness

Of superior strength--the last to quit the arena.

Another has the splendor of a large diamond, but


Not completely cut, so unable to lean on static

Merit. He needs to endow reality with expanded

Dimensions of significance by sharpening and 

Polishing splendors latent within dullness. 


A secret paper he reads gives esoteric knowledge.

Hidden wisdom has been preserved in embryo.

{Friday} /Secret Splendor\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:40a PT | 4:40a ET  

until it enters Taurus at 2:04a PT | 5:04a ET

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