Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Message for Wednesday 4 September 2024 }Broad-Brush Forecast{ and }Moon River Reprise{

Message for Wednesday 4 September 2024

}Broad-Brush Forecast{

I have a choice today between a sonnet based on the degree-symbols, or a broad-brush view. Let's try the latter first, no matter how often you have heard me say it. 

There are two kinds of Time on our planet. One, when Mercury is speeding forward, is a Bright Hermetic Epoch (or Quick, or Brazen, or Bold, get it?). It lasts about two months. The other, when Mercury is slow oretrograde, is a Dark Hermetic Epoch (or Dull, or Dithering, or Dallying, get it?). 

Because both last about two months, I call them Epochs. The Dark one seems endless. It began July 17, and immediately Joe Biden resigned, Kamala Harris was not-nominated which means nominated, the Kennedy campaign was suffering endless unjust lawsuits while the Trump campaign was mercilessly persecuted by lawfare, pushing the K and T campaigns to join forces. It's the Dark or Dismal or Doubtful Epoch. Nobody seems to know what is going on much less what may happen by November 5. A new Bright Epoch begins September 12, ending November 6, the day after the election. Does that mean we shall be thrust into more lawfare over the election results? I hope and pray for a better outcome than that.

What about your own business and personal life? Dismal or just doubtful, since July 17? Of course we all have good or happy hours and moments in any Epoch. Such is the Grace of God. But he also seems to be challenging us to re*view and re*form and re*organize our lives to the best our mental powers can manage, aided by much intuition, which can operate in almost supernatural ways during a--shall we say--Deliverance Epoch. 

A few keys, since we have another 9 days of the DHE: 

Go slow.

Haste makes waste.

Humble prayer is efficacious. 

God hears even when His response is hard to fathom.

The human mind needs to be receptive to the Divine Mind. 

Tangles shall untangle in their own sweet time. Tangling with the tangle may make it tangle more. It is sometimes better to tango than tangle.

Music is good. 

People have their own ways of perceiving and judging things, often very different from yours. 

It's not that all the tangles shall untangle immediately on September 12 but that most will be less and less disturbing, through the rest of September and October, as workable options come into view.

Until then it's good to try to keep up with the most important routines, even while dropping some pointless ones. Extra rest often goes along with out-of-pattern scheduling. Good. But "flaking off" too much is not helpful.

Sonnet for Wednesday:

}Moon RiveReprise{

Practical allegiances sometimes require compromise or

Reversal. We're happy when a step ahead of ourselves

Through adaptability. A sailing vessel displays an 

Unfurled as well as a furled flag. At a grave, a young


Maiden is weeping. Bereavement subjects he

Sensitive and melancholy nature to sympathetic

Suffering. What's lost is mourned until re-found. 

An orange tree loaded with fruit provides its owner


Luxuries which, however, may not last forever. 

Still, her fine tastes and many accomplishments

Are remarkable. As evening approaches, all are drawn

To a broad tract of open fields under the moon's 


Rays, wherein a river winds its way bringing 

Harmony to lives of joy, calm and tranquility.


{Wednesday} {Moon RiveReprise}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo-->Libra

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:07a PT | 12:07p ET

until it enters Libra at 9:13a PT | 12:13p ET (just 6 minutes later)

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 3:40p PT | 6:40p ET

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