Thursday, September 12, 2024

Message for Friday 13 September 2024 \Only Chosen Companions/

Message for Friday 13 September 2024

\Only Chosen Companions/

A coach is heavily laden with passengers.

Some get absorbed in interests and affairs of

Coach-mates, forgetting duties to others and

Themselves. A woman looking in her hand-mirror


Is well-favored, somewhat sinister in dalliance

While attracting sensuous attention. Honor and

Dishonor hang in the balance. Some in the coach

Shall disembark to join families, like


Game birds feathering their nests. They are

Meticulous in furthering familial interests, and

Therefore strong within themselves, fathers and

Mothers like pillars of marble hewn into valor.


Even if a marriage should go bad, self-respect

Is salvaged in depths of solitary separation.


{Friday} /Only Chosen Companions\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn

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