Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Message for Thursday 5 September 2024 }Current Planetary Patterns}

Message for Thursday 5 September 2024

}Current Planetary Patterns}

Jupiter square Saturn is a major aspect lasting from July 6 this yeauntil until July 31 2025, more than a year. It challenges us with the question, What are you doing here, anyway? What does your soul want you to accomplish in this lifetime? Sadness and despair afflict us when we feel we are not living up to our mission. 

You may sense this in others also, especially those close to you. They are judging themselves and realizing that they are not fully rising to the challenge the Supreme may be setting for them. 

Accentuating this soul-depth is the opposition of the sun and Saturn from August 22 until September 24. It is a normal aspect requiring attention to responsibilities. Older people see younger ones as foolish and the younger see the older as "out of it" or arrogant. Finishing daily duties early each day is a helpful policy, leaving time forest and recuperation. 

Venus and Mars in a square began August 5 and continues until September 8, this Sunday. Human relations and close relationships have been suffering from doubt and disagreement. Have you broken up with someone, or have some been unaccountably distant? There may be a thawing of the ice beginning Sunday, especially because a trine between the two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, begins this Friday September 6 and lasts through Sunday September 22. This is one of the finest aspects in astrology. Both material and spiritual blessings flow, to sweeten and soften the hard Saturn aspects just pointed out.

{Thursday} {Current Planetary Patterns}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra

< moon enters the Via Combusta at 3:45p PT | 6:45p ET (until Sunday morning) (not terrible but perhaps confusing while the cosmos reshuffles itself) (although the comforting Venus-Jupiter trine begins Friday) 

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