Friday, September 20, 2024

Message for Weekend of September 21-22, 2024 \Character Evolving/

Message for Weekend of September 21-22, 2024

\Character Evolving/

Friends, thank you foreading and considering these reports.

I am weary today. I shall not do the usual sonnet.

It seems that many are under the weather of the Jupiter-Saturn square. I have already written about that and shall not repeat just now.

It's an aspect which challenges and brings out the soul. Donald Trump has it in his natal (birth) chart. He is going through that now, what with surviving two assassination attempts and the unjust lawfare to which he is subjected by his enemies. All of us are feeling it in one way or another. 

It goes on through July 30, 2025

Character is evolving through trial and stamina.

Saturday 21: Moon in Taurus

Sunday 22: Moon enters Gemini at 3:25a PT | 6:25a ET (and is void-of-course in Taurus for just ten minutes before then)

/Character Evolving\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Message for Friday 20 September 2024 \Secret Splendor/

Message for Friday 20 September 2024

\Secret Splendor/

Some are inured to the beaten track of homely,

Arduous work, as if asses tethered to the shafts

Of grinding mills. Unambitious, disregarding their

Limitations, they serve. One resembles a lion whose


Head is the only part exposed, alert and on the

Defensive, prepared for any attack in the consciousness

Of superior strength--the last to quit the arena.

Another has the splendor of a large diamond, but


Not completely cut, so unable to lean on static

Merit. He needs to endow reality with expanded

Dimensions of significance by sharpening and 

Polishing splendors latent within dullness. 


A secret paper he reads gives esoteric knowledge.

Hidden wisdom has been preserved in embryo.

{Friday} /Secret Splendor\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:40a PT | 4:40a ET  

until it enters Taurus at 2:04a PT | 5:04a ET

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Message for Thursday 19 September 2024 ^Benevolence^

Message for Thursday 19 September 2024


A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish

Enters new experience without inhibition, with

Simple curiosity, trusting her inclinations.

A farmer's cart is loaded with farmyard manure


Which he uses scientifically as an industrious

Agriculturist. His horse is strong like himself.

His pride is a wide-branching tree laden with

Fruit. His disposition is full, rich and generous,


His habits husbandly, his merits predestining him

To success. His family is large; peace of mind

Falls to him. He dwells in a rustic cottage overarched

By a spreading cedar tree. He is always ready to


Shelter, befriend and succor the wayside traveler.

Homely simplicity and works of benevolence mark his life.

{Thursday} ^Benevolence^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries

The planetary aspects point to work, responsibility, plodding on with needed activities. The sonnet idealizes all that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Message for Wednesday 18 September 2024 ^Charming^

Message for Wednesday 18 September 2024


The bluntness of a broken mallet does not aid

A carpenter's backwardness and lack of executive

Power. Unwary, he gives in to more active

Workers. His daughter, a tiny nude miss, is reaching


In the water for a fish, following her inclinations

Without inhibition but with simple curiosity

And freshness of soul. A man passes by carried

By four others in a sedan chair. A favorite of fortune,


He has become idle and self-indulgent. Will his

Luck hold out? He gets out to walk with the others

Up an elevated promontory, illumined by the sun

And crowned with variously colored flowers.  


Though prone to conceit and amenable to flattery,

He is attractive and graced with abundant charm.


{Wednesday} ^Charming^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

A Full Moon occurred Tuesday at 7:36p PT | 10:36p ET

/moon is void-of-course for only 21 minutes before it enters Aries at 2:25a PT | 5:25a ET

|Karmically challenging third| of week ends at 5:56a PT | 8:56a ET

Monday, September 16, 2024

Message for Tuesday 17 September 2024 ~Projected Attainment~

Message for Tuesday 17 September 2024

~Projected Attainment~

Independent, proud, self-confident, he loves

Distinction; but feels he has perfidious enemies.

He is like a solitary tree on a rocky height.

He looks up to a peak toward which to climb,


Allured by a light illuminating the summit, but when

He gets there it's only a meteor shower. He was

Misled by spirits he failed to "test" as the Scriptures

Instruct. So he descends the hill to take up more


Practical pursuits. With a quiver of arrows on his back

He is capable of grand achievements as a prompt,

Skillful executant. However, he is distracted by a

Parade of rabbits dressed in children's clothing.


They are appropriating a status not yet theirs.

He too projects himself into a higher dimension.


{Tuesday} ~Projected Attainment~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces

We remain in the |Karmically challenging| third of this week. With the sun opposite Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, a water sign, there has been extreme flooding, with thousands displaced, in Poland, Romania, Austria and the Czech Republic. In other areas and cases the cascading liquid is tears, solitary weeping or depression or anomie. Temporary sadness can cultivate soul-growth and spiritual poise.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Message for Monday 16 September 2024 ~Research Plus Beyond-the-Mind Charm~

Message for Monday 16 September 2024

~Research Plus Beyond-the-Mind Charm~

An infant is naked, exposed in a dreary place,

Surrounded by beasts and birds of prey. Yet

Some strange power, unseen, protects this

Embodied image of innocence. An old man in a


Gown and skull cap, surrounded by chemical and

Other instruments, observes all things carefully,

Systematically, patiently--a researcher in 

Nature's secrets. Yet he cannot tabulate the


Behavior of rabbits dressed in clothes and on

Parade. Their consciousness reaches upward toward

Habiliments of higher than bunny implication.

Likewise human beings appropriate what belongs to


Superior dimensions. A golden ball suspended from

The ceiling of a circular hall rays forth mystical charm.


{Monday} ~Research Plus Beyond-the-Mind Charm~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:05pSunday PT | 1:05aMonday ET

until it enters Pisces at 2:40a PT | 5:40a ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week begins at 3:59a PT | 6:59a ET (until Wednesday morning)

Friday, September 13, 2024

Message for Saturday 14 September 2024, and Sunday and the Coming Week

Message for Saturday 14 September 2024, and the Coming Week

Saturday: }Toward the Sublime{

A bridge, broken and dilapidated, spans the dry

Bed of a river. Projects fall through, one after the

Other, when one follows a false trail. Is one

Qualified to be an animal trainer, sufficiently


Patient and resolute? Or ought one first to train

Oneself, enlisting deft potentials, learning

Devotion from the animals? Game birds train

Themselves for the sake of their young, feathering


Their nests meticulously. A group destiny evokes

High intelligence and skill. The natural course of

Things reflects the mundane or Celtic cross held

Above Nature's mysteries by a student and revealer


Of the strange and curious. He and Nature are

Authors of the Sublime loved by true souls.


{Saturday} {Toward the Sublime}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius 

/moon goes void-of-course at 0:36a PT | 3:36a PT

until it enters Aquarius at 0:55a PT | 3:55a ET

\/ \/ \/

Sunday 15, and Week of September 14-21

It is curious that Venus, the ruler of Libra, Kamala Harris's sun-sign, entered that sign (which strengthens it) on August 29 (leaving by September 22) and was there during the much-ballyhooed debate which Harris "won" according to most viewers. It was trine, favorable aspect, Jupiter in Gemini, Trump's sun-sign. This brought them together, though not amicably. But Saturn from one side and the sun from the other besieged Jupiter, therefore Trump, during current weeks and within three degrees the day of the debate. 

I do not predict the election. A Twitter astrologer with high talent, Starheal, has been predicting a Trump victory for two years, and last week wrote that although she now feels that Harris could win, she is not going back on her prediction. I sympathize with her predicament, having made political predictions which failed. I don't think astrology was meant for that. One can learn a lot about the candidates by studying their charts, but not whether or not they deserve to win or shall win. 

Not just Trump but all of us continue to suffer from the hard Saturn-Jupiter-sun T-square. It requires us to stay faithful to any obligations we have assumed. Not just Harris but all of us continue to benefit from the Venus-Jupiter trine. It is pleasure, satisfaction and fulfillment along whatever lines are most important to us. Mercury joins the opposition and square so we will want to study and learn, honing our skill-sets. Mars in Cancer, sign of the home, suggests weatherizing at this time of the year. Let' stay cozy.

{Week of September 14-21} /Responsible and Cozy\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 15: Moon in Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:05p PT | 1:05a(M) ET

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Message for Friday 13 September 2024 \Only Chosen Companions/

Message for Friday 13 September 2024

\Only Chosen Companions/

A coach is heavily laden with passengers.

Some get absorbed in interests and affairs of

Coach-mates, forgetting duties to others and

Themselves. A woman looking in her hand-mirror


Is well-favored, somewhat sinister in dalliance

While attracting sensuous attention. Honor and

Dishonor hang in the balance. Some in the coach

Shall disembark to join families, like


Game birds feathering their nests. They are

Meticulous in furthering familial interests, and

Therefore strong within themselves, fathers and

Mothers like pillars of marble hewn into valor.


Even if a marriage should go bad, self-respect

Is salvaged in depths of solitary separation.


{Friday} /Only Chosen Companions\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Message for Thursday 12 September 2024 \True to Oneself and All/

Message for Thursday 12 September 2024

\True to Oneself and All/

Creative reorganization of experience could be

Dispersion, as an automobile wrecked by a

Train. Yet the driver could stop in time to save

Lives, being true to himself more than to traffic.


At home is a room full of machinery and jars

Of chemicals, materials for invention and experiment.

Perception and activity unite. Will he become rich,

Carrying a money-bag in each hand, acquisitive and


Mercenary, gaining wealth by easy means whether

Or not just? Covetous and speculative?

At last he becomes proprietor of a well-lighted house

The door of which is open to acquaintances and


Friends whom he entertains with the best of fare.

Prosperous and hospitable, he is happy.


{Thursday} /True to Oneself and All\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn

A new Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months began Wednesday at about 5p PT | 8p ET, until November 7. It replaces the Dark or Dithering Epoch of July 17 through (most of) September 11. Let us hope that we as individuals, and humanity as a whole, shall be guided more perspicaciously.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Message for Wednesday 11 September 2024 ^Preventing Dispersion^

Message for Wednesday 11 September 2024

^Preventing Dispersion^

In an old door a dagger has been stuck. Some strike

At existing systems with nothing better to replace them.

Mocking and taunting bring retribution on the foolish.

A sequence of events set in motion is hard to stop,


But no given action has to be continued to a point of

Self-cancellation. An automobile will not be wrecked by

A train if the driver, faithful to himself, reorganizes

Events before disintegration. A lion's head exposed


In the forest shows he is prepared for any attack. 

His superior strength makes him void of fear. 

A square patch of lawn is set aside for badminton or

Lawn tennis. A red cloth spread for a picnic


Forecasts plenteous pleasure. There could be willful

Waste and artificiality, but life goes on.


{Wednesday} ^Preventing Dispersion^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:22p PT | 8:22p ET

until it enters Capricorn at 7:39p PT | 10:39p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 8:56p PT | 11:56p ET

Monday, September 9, 2024

Message for Tuesday 10 September 2024 ^Sagacious Defense^

Message for Tuesday 10 September 2024

^Sagacious Defense^

A strong horse pulls a farmer's cart loaded with

Farmyard manure. Industry and science promote

Smart and fruitful agriculture. In the barn the

Farmer's cat is arguing with a mouse, to justify


His privileges no way congenial to the nervous

Rodent, their values largely incompatible.

If only they could look into the sky

To appreciate the force and splendor of the


Aurora borealis emanating from behind an invisible

Iceberg, they might forget their creaturely conflict.

Already an elephant has absorbed the distant 

Electricity into his trunk, to be used to defend


The lost or weak. He carries his castle on his back,

At home anywhere within sagacity: sage city.

{Tuesday} ^Sagacious Defense^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak about 5p PT | 8p ET, just about the time of the Harris-Trump debate. Stressful! Farmyard manure? Cat arguing with mouse? Who is the wise elephant? Reassuring lights in the sky?

(The |difficult third| ends late Wednesday night)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Message for Monday 9 September 2024 ^Theatricality^

Message for Monday 9 September 2024


Angular in appearance and barren in sympathy,

He panders to popular taste, the views of the moment,

Thinking slightly of his best friends and not

Confiding in them. Sometimes he resembles a cat


Arguing with a mouse. He has prepared himself to

Justify himself and get a sanction for his inborn

Desires. Or if this fails he is not beyond use of

Compulsion, like a wolf carrying away a lamb.


Deception, cunning and avarice seem normal rather than

Cruel. Criminality becomes his lot quite sneakily.

Or will the wolf take off a forbidding mask to reveal 

Mimicry oimitation, and invite the lamb


To a rustic party? All becomes theatrical. "Scared you, 

Didn't I?" Laugh at evil; it shrinks away.


{Monday} ^Theatricality^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:12a PT | 1:12p ET

until it enters Sagittarius at 10:27a PT | 1:27p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 12:12p PT | 3:12p ET (until late Wednesday night, with its peak at the time of the debate on Tuesday)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Message for Weekend, and Coming Week: September 7-14 \Light Dawning?/

Message for Weekend, and Coming Week: September 7-14

\Light Dawning?/

It is interesting that the favorable Venus trine Jupiter aspect, discussed further on in this report, will be in force during the presidential debate on the 10th, and that Venus is in Libra, Harris's sign, while Jupiter is in Gemini, Trump's sign! Sweetness and light? Not likely, but Harris people will think she "won" while Trump people will think he "won," and the show goes on. 

One thing to remember: You are neither going crazy nor "losing it." It's important to keep having faith that your path will get clearer and less obstructed, beginning September 12 if not sooner. We are still in the Dark or Dismal Hermetic Epoch, a time fore*view and re*construction, maybe re*pentance, but not re*lapse nore*crimination. Others are feeling it as well, whether they let on or not. Little things go astray, schedules get out of pattern, and so one questions whether big things shall ever be possible. Give it time.

Jupiter square Saturn is a major aspect lasting from July 6 this yeauntil until July 31 2025, more than a year. It challenges us with the question, What are you doing here, anyway? What does your soul want you to accomplish in this lifetime? Sadness and despair afflict us when we feel we are not living up to our mission. 

You may sense this in others also, especially those close to you. They are judging themselves and realizing that they are not fully rising to the challenge the Supreme may be setting for them. 

Accentuating this soul-depth is the opposition of the sun and Saturn from August 22 until September 24. It is a normal aspect requiring attention to responsibilities. Older people see younger ones as foolish and the younger see the older as "out of it" or arrogant. Finishing daily duties early each day is a helpful policy, leaving time forest and recuperation. 

Venus and Mars in a square began August 5 and continues until September 8, this Sunday. Human relations and close relationships have been suffering from doubt and disagreement. Have you broken up with someone, or have some been unaccountably distant? There may be a thawing of the ice beginning Sunday, especially because a trine between the two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, begins this Friday September 6 and lasts through Sunday September 22. This is one of the finest aspects in astrology. Both material and spiritual blessings flow, to sweeten and soften the hard Saturn aspects just pointed out.

There are two kinds of Time on our planet. One, when Mercury is speeding forward, is a Bright Hermetic Epoch (or Quick, or Brazen, or Bold, get it?). It lasts about two months. The other, when Mercury is slow oretrograde, is a Dark Hermetic Epoch (or Dull, or Dithering, or Dallying, get it?). 

Because both last about two months, I call them Epochs. The Dark one seems endless. It began July 17, and immediately Joe Biden resigned, Kamala Harris was not-nominated which means nominated, the Kennedy campaign was suffering endless unjust lawsuits while the Trump campaign was mercilessly persecuted by lawfare, pushing the K and T campaigns to join forces. It's the Dark or Dismal or Doubtful Epoch. Nobody seems to know what is going on much less what may happen by November 5. A new Bright Epoch begins September 12, ending November 6, the day after the election. Does that mean we shall be thrust into more lawfare over the election results? I hope and pray for a better outcome than that.

What about your own business and personal life? Dismal or just doubtful, since July 17? Of course we all have good or happy hours and moments in any Epoch. Such is the Grace of God. But He or She also seems to be challenging us to re*view and re*form and re*organize our lives to the best our mental powers can manage, aided by much intuition, which can operate in almost supernatural ways during a--shall we say--Deliverance Epoch. 

A few keys, since we have another 6 days of the DHE: 

Go slow.

Haste makes waste.

Humble prayer is efficacious. 

God hears even when His response is hard to fathom.

The human mind needs to be receptive to the Divine Mind. 

Tangles shall untangle in their own sweet time. Tangling with the tangle may make it tangle more. It is sometimes better to tango than tangle.

Music is good. 

People have their own ways of perceiving and judging things, often very different from yours. 

It's not that all the tangles shall untangle immediately on September 12 but that most will be less and less disturbing, through the rest of September and October, as workable options come into view.

Until then it's good to try to keep up with the most important routines, even while dropping some pointless ones. Extra rest often goes along with out-of-pattern scheduling. Good. But "flaking off" too much is not helpful.

This report is partially a replay of what I posted earlier this week. It definitely remains relevant.

By the end of this week, Thursday or so, we may, each in their own way, breathe a sigh of relief. Light is dawning.

{Week of September 7-14} /Light Dawning\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 7: Moon in Scorpio, and the Via Combusta

Sunday 8: Moon remains in Scorpio. It leaves the Burning Way at 4:38a PT | 7:38a ET

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Message for Friday 6 September 2024 }Contemplation{

Message for Friday 6 September 2024


One thing to remember: You are neither going crazy nor "losing it." It's important to keep having faith that your path will get clearer and less obstructed, beginning September 12 if not sooner. We are still in the Dark or Dismal Hermetic Epoch, a time fore*view and re*construction, maybe re*pentance, but not re*lapse nore*crimination. Others are feeling it as well, whether they let on or not. Little things go astray, schedules get out of pattern, and so one questions whether big things shall ever be possible. Give it time.


Symbolically, low places, cellars or basements, are

Dangerous, though being knocked on the head could

Be an awakening. Charubel suggests a southern

Route. South is beneath north only on a map! 


A centaur alternates animal instincts with the

Changeful diplomacy of the human temperament.

Let him aim his arrows high, to please a beautiful

Woman nesting two doves upon her breast. Her


Devotion complements his bravery. She seeks not

Credit due to her. In time, both of these may

Resemble a person suspended over a vast level

Place, gaining unlimited overview of possible


Involvement in details of experience, escaping random

Compulsions, preserving choice through contemplation.


{Friday} {Contemplation}

Moon in Libra, and the Via Combusta (during a "cosmic reshuffle")

Moon is void-of-course beginning at 10:09p PT | 1:09a(Sa) ET

until it enters Scorpio at 10:20p PT | 1:20a(Sa) ET