Sunday, February 28, 2021

Message for Monday 1 March 2021

Monday 1 March 2021

}Tested Before Attainment{

Moon in Libra 
< moon enters the Via Combusta at 11:57a PT | 2:57p ET | 7:57p UT (until Wednesday evening) (uncertainties, or questing, during a cosmic reshuffling)

Challenge:  We start with the symbols which issue warnings.  'A crucifix' is said to show 'strange events' and possibly 'grievous accidents.'  'Be careful,' says Charubel.  At issue could be how far you can stretch people toward seeing something you think they don't see.  They can only stand so much before there is a snapback.  'A truncated cone' is said by Sepharial to show the attainment of fortune and then 'a sudden cessation, followed by troubles and grievances.'  He says one ought to aim higher than one means to hit, or else just remain content in the face of possible curtailment of one's ambitions.  (Since this is a symbol for just the day it might show just temporary disappointment.)  

Process:  Saturn and Uranus are still in a square by less than one degree, so we have 'a man with a scourge in his right hand driving two slaves in manacles.'  He wants to 'rule without qualifications' which is what many in Washington seem to be doing.  Despotism ultimately curbs the despot.  'An examination of initiates' is a symbol of 'life's demand that man continue at all times to prove himself in full accordance with the claims he has made for himself.'  The examiners are not despots if what they are doing is helping the examinee realize what is missing, enabling him or her to grow toward full potentials.  

Blessing:  'Two cobblers working at a table' suggests the efficiency of Mercury conjunct Jupiter (expanding mind) and Mars trine Pluto (using whatever material is at hand for one's driving purposes).  Capabilities are strengthened through division of labor allowing each to specialize.  Recognized integrity is as lasting as well-fortified shoes.  Success arrives through circles and cycles, so that the 'truncated cone' of paragraph 1 grows back to a full cone at certain points in the spiral.  One need not give up in despair, but rather pass through the confusion and contradiction (Dark Hermetic Epoch until March 13) with the aid of one's unique inspiration.  'A new light develops; he is on his groove, carried onward and upward.'

{Monday}  {Tested Before Attainment}

Cosmic Piper


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