Thursday, February 18, 2021

Message for Friday 19 February 2021

 Friday 19 February 2021

}Toward Serenity{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at  [11:29p(Th) PT] | 2:29a ET | 7:29a UT
until it enters Gemini at 8:05a PT | 11:05a ET | 4:05p UT

We can interpret the planetary aspects and degree-symbols in at least two ways.  One is the obvious one, where there are always some difficult or painful aspects which traditional astrologers have warned about as leading to failure, anger, violence or illness, and we take these as literal warnings.  Then the question is, how do we avoid or circumvent such problems?  Another question which anti-astrologers ask is, Are we making things worse by contemplating these warnings, psychologizing ourselves into expecting the worse rather than the better?  I leave that to you.  I wouldn't be doing this if I believed it was not helpful to consider the warning signs.  By doing so we can then know how exactly to affirm the better, and gear ourselves up for it, because we do not take the hard aspects and symbols as "evil fate" but as signals of things we, as imperfect human beings, need to work on for our gradual perfection.  That is, we view human life as an evolutionary process, and astrology as a wisdom-teaching helping us to enhance our evolution.  

Friday:  Those considerations are important now because we have two exact squares, Saturn square Uranus and Venus square Mars.  At the worst, this could add up to fundamental differences in people gaining the predominance to the point of upset, anger, even violence.  However, considering the evolutionary status at which most have arrived, this is not likely to take the form of outright fist fights or brawls, or terrorism, or domestic violence.  Nor is it usually even harsh verbal arguments, because these are suppressed.  First, one has to protect one's reputation, and cannot insult the boss or co-workers without penalties in one way or another.  Second, one wants to be liked or loved and does not want to reject people harshly thereby burning bridges behind one.  At the worst, these two aspects combined could result in just that, harshly rejecting people and burning bridges behind oneself.  Not smart.  So it is essential to consider that warning.  Then what? There could be simmering anger or disappointment, even despair, surging within oneself while one maintains a calm outward composure.

Or, if one has arrived at sainthood (!), one might "bless one's enemies" (or seeming enemies or frenemies) willingly and remain in a blissful state of mind.  Other strategies?  Let's see what the day's symbols suggest.

Two seem to hint that one might be too passive.  'Crows feeding in the bed of a dried-up river' is said to mean that one has let 'wayfaring and deceitful men' (the crows) deplete one to the point that one is in decline.  That might be letting Saturn (repression) dominate freedom (Uranus).  It could mean that while possibly attractive people interest you, they seem to be either uninterested or just wanting to get something from you (Venus square Mars).  So one might feel like 'a squirrel hiding from hunters.'   Through such seeming passivity, one could 'set the conditions for all personal participation in events,' that is, wait until it is safe to come out of hiding.  Good judgment impels one to be cautious in an intelligent manner.

Assertion or caution?  That seems to be the question.  'A mounted Indian with scalp locks' is sure that he can assert his authority through personal prowess.  He conquers enemies and uses what he can get from them.  Is that you, or someone trying to conquer you?  Who has the command?  One does not want to be ruthless, yet one has to discipline oneself to play the socio-economic game.  Or, taking the opposite tack, one could be 'a chest floating on an open sea,' indifferent to the waves and currents sending one hither and yon.  It seems most of us will be poised between these two attitudes, taking firm command of some things but letting others drift when interfering with them would be a waste of energy.  

At the spiritual level, there is 'a very long ladder' reaching toward the heavens.  Charubel says this shows we have both ambition and inspiration, 'disposed to indulge in grand speculations,' helping toward 'the elevation and salvation of mankind.'  The intense squares impel one to climb higher to get perspective on things so that they become harmless, even helpful.  Mars squaring Venus can be passionate, striking out to conquer someone's feelings, drawn to a flame of attraction like a moth, yet often finding the response opposite to what was hoped.  'A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience' has not eschewed all worldly pleasures and rewards but has attained higher vision with an element of selflessness.  That amounts to serenity, 'a genuine peace of inner understanding.'

{Friday}  {Toward Serenity}

Cosmic Piper

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