Friday, February 12, 2021

Message for Saturday 13 February 2021

 Saturday 13 February 2021

~Restoration of the Reliable~

Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:30p PT | [2:30a(Su) ET | 7:30a(Su) UT]

The 'crow or raven standing upon a waterpot' (Charubel) who is full of envy and wants to cause mischief looks to me like too many Washington politicians.  He is 'crafty and designing.'  What happened to honesty and transparency?  He, or someone or something, might cause us to 'walk blindfold towards the opening of a deep pit.' Actually when a planet was in this degree, many years ago, I fell on the street and hurt my leg and knee.  Then, foolishly, I asked the police for help and was taken to the hospital and later had to pay dearly for the charges.  That was a deeper 'pit' than the accident itself and my 'blindfold' was not realizing how much I would be billed.  Today the 'pit' against which you are warned could be fallen into through 'chaos and confusion' when you are 'walking in the dark.' (Actually it was dark when that accident happened.)  Sapharial says 'walk warily and in humility in the simple ways of life' rather than 'tread paths which are unfamiliar, with pitfalls for the unwary.'  Sounds like Mercury Retrograde.  

Sometimes meditation is one of the best things to do while Mercury is retrograde.  Then one's mind might be like 'an oval-shaped mirror,' very impressionable but retaining little or nothing---the oval mirror is a zero sign.  Some oriental teachers of meditation recommend having no thoughts at all.  Sri Aurobindo partially agreed with that but affirmed that ultimately the universal consciousness asserts itself in the individual, realizing the reality of all things in the cosmos, but in their proper and exact correlations to one another.  This would be something like having one's mind, or Overmind, as 'a hydrometer' which 'has full assurance of an intelligence and order to be found throughout the world of everyday realities.'  This would be 'efficiency in manipulating the fundamental complexities of living.'  

One emphasized degree 'has no symbol" (Charubel).  'A degree of mystery, allied to four-dimensional space.  One has something not in common with the rest of his race.'  That could be the aforementioned Overmind.  How does it operate in the world?  For the ultimate good of all.  Sometimes that could be done by 'a big business-man at his desk.'  Organizational powers make for 'efficient participation in everyday affairs.'  The business-man 'remains undisturbed within himself throughout ramifying vicissitudes.'  'Personality is developed as it is challenged to prove itself.' There is also, on this Saturday, latitude to appreciate the RElaxing 'fourth-dimensional space' which REstores us.  One clue to Mercury REtrograde is:  stay with what is REliable.  

{Saturday}  ~Restoration of the Reliable~

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  The unattributed quotations above are from Marc Edmund Jones and his classic The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.  I mentioned Sepharial and Charubel when quoting them instead.  

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