Saturday, February 13, 2021

Message for Sunday 14 February 2021

 Sunday 14 February 2021

~Ultimate Assurance, with Wide Sympathies~

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at [11:30p(Sa) PT|] 2:30a ET | 7:30a UT
until it enters Aries at 7:55a PT | 10:55a ET | 3:55p UT

'A man lying prone upon a bed of sickness' is said to indicate apathy more than real sickness, in other words, hypochondria or self-induced illness.  One might need extra rest, but should not allow this to become indolence and too-great dependence on others.  Such a period of calm could foster reassurance through 'an ancient pottery bowl filled with violets' or a beautiful token of traditional values which gives 'ultimate assurance to the human heart.'  

There could be a tussle between demons and angels.  "The devil finds plenty for idle hands to do" is a savvy old insight, and we have 'a naked man with a serpent coiled round the lower part of the body.'  Charubel hints that this could be self-induced eroticism of a 'filthy or vicious' sort.  Yet there is also 'a Standard-bearer' who is 'a leader of the multitude, a public character or reformer.'  It is not unusual to have both types sitting in the same pew. 

'A finger pointing in an open book' is the signaling discrimination we need.  'The racial wisdom quickens insight' (MEJ).  We get confirmation of the significance of things.  That reassures and restabilizes.  What we own is social in nature even if possessed as an estate or privilege.  'A stately mansion surrounded by trees in an expanse of pastureland' belongs to 'a capable, polished member of society, a good patriot and upholder of the traditions of his people.'  'He will prosper in the world and be beloved for his breadth of mind and wide sympathies.'  

{Sunday}  ~Ultimate Assurance, with Wide Sympathies~

Cosmic Piper

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