Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Message for Thursday 18 February 2021

 Thursday 18 February 2021


Moon in Taurus
Sun enters Pisces at 2:45a PT | 5:45a ET | 10:45a UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until 4:33p PT | 7:33p ET | 12:33a(F) UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:29p PT | [2:29a(F) ET | 7:29a(F) UT]

Weather crises, and rolling blackouts, in many states.  Why, astrologically?

1.  It's winter!  The months of Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn (December 21 through February 18).  Saturn is the planet of cold.  Why? Because it is.  Astrology just measures what is, for those alert enough to watch the patterns.

2.  Because Mercury is retrograde.  I have been saying for two decades that we have HARSHER WEATHER from a human viewpoint during the Mercury Retrograde periods and equally through the longer Dark Hermetic Epochs.  Why other astrologers have not picked this up from me is very strange, because it is so obviously true for anyone who watches the patterns.  I noticed it in the 1980s, in the 1990s, in the 2000s, in the 2010s, in the 2020s, right now today!  Fellow astrologers, where are you? 

Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch began January 15 . . . (Mercury retrograde began January 30, ends February 20-21) . . . Dark or Slow or confusing Epoch ends March 12 . . . new Bright or Fast Hermetic Epoch begins March 13 (until May 15)

It's a two-month, four-month cycle, approximately, as you can see, and it is major.  Mercury rules, in a word, EVERYTHING!  This is something most astrologers do not get.  The 'impeachment' nonsense began during the current DHE and continues with political bickering of a nonsensical sort on a ridiculous scale.  The election in November was during a DHE and millions are convinced that election impropriety, confusion, illegality or fraud threw the election away from the true winner of the Electoral College.  And now the National Guard is eerily deployed in Washington, D. C. until . . . you guessed it, the middle of March when the DHE ends.  'Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby told Fox News in an interview on Tuesday that the National Guard deployment is scheduled to be effective until mid-March. “The plan right now is to end this mission in the capital region by the middle of March. That’s still the plan," Kirby said.' --Epoch Times  Does the Pentagon employ an astrologer?  Not likely.  Do they read Cosmic Piper?  I have a suspicion that the forecast is being propagated sub rosa by some who find it useful but never inform me that they are disbursing it.  At any rate, the Pentagon's timing is astrologically appropriate (though many think the deployment rather absurd even now).  

3.  Harsh weather also because Saturn rules all the planets (because five of them are in its own sign, Aquarius, and those in turn rule the Taurus planets because Venus in Aquarius rules Taurus---all these ancient rules are valid!) and Saturn, again, is the planet of cold and also (through Aquarius, the 'water-bearer') of precipitation.  Aquarius is an air sign and the air is the carrier of water, literally the water-carrier as the ancients recognized.  It pours out snow also.  On Thursday, for which this is a forecast, the sun leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces, but that is small comfort because Jupiter remains in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and ruling the sun because Jupiter rules Pisces (along with Neptune).  These 'hierarchies of rulership' are very accurate and revealing.  

4.  Saturn is square Uranus exactly, and these two planets rule Aquarius.  The square is the harshest aspect (plus the opposition which happens half as often).  When the two planets ruling the 'water-carrier' are fighting, you have precipitation plus frantic efforts to meet the results of the precipitation, such as the rolling blackouts and the frantic attempts to cure them through repairing or restoring electrical sources and transmission, etc.   Uranus and Aquarius also rule electricity!  Look at the symbol for Aquarius, two wavy lines!  The need for those currents is current in Texas, for example.  

What do I mean by "exactly"?  Exactly!  On Tuesday when there were big problems, Saturn was at 7 Aquarius 08 and Uranus at 7 Taurus 12, 4 minutes of arc from an exact square.  On Thursday for which this is a forecast, Saturn at 7 Aquarius 22 and Uranus at 7 Taurus 16, an exact square within 6 minutes of arc.  

In the political sphere this is conservatism (Saturn) rubbing against modernism (Uranus), nationalism (Saturn) against globalism (Uranus).  (From another viewpoint, Uranus could be independence of single nations and Saturn a restricting global order.)  Obviously both are needed but they appear to contradict each other.  The process of resolving their differences is going on like two sticks being rubbed against each other, producing either light or heat.  Ultimately, this can be good; temporarily it seems disturbing.  Freedom within bounds is the formula, yet there is disagreement over what the bounds are and when someone is out-of-bounds.  

On the personal level, you may be struggling to get something new started (Uranus) but facing the restrictions, the natural resistance and recalcitrance, of laws, rules, and conventional attitudes (Saturn).  Plus, Mercury retrograde makes communication hard and people are REtreating into themselves, often for good reason.  

Fear not, we always get through these things.  I dropped the usual symbolic-degrees-reading for today in order to write the above.  I hope it is useful.

"Before the operation of divine Principle, sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear."  -- Mary Baker Eddy

{Thursday}  /Frosty\

Cosmic Piper

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