Friday, December 11, 2020

Message for Weekend of December 12-13, 2020, and Week Ahead: Divided Nation

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 December 2020, and Coming Week:  Divided Nation

It is no longer possible to "avoid politics" as I have been trying to do in these reports.  I do not want to offend readers on either side of the national divide, but it may be impossible to avoid that.

First, several polls show that the nation is divided almost half-and-half about the election; one shows that 47% think there was considerable election fraud; another (published by Daily Kos, a very left-wing publication) 49%, with only 51% thinking the election was entirely legitimate.  This divide is not going away quickly, if ever.  

Second, I have to refer you to what I was saying multiple times in the past few months, that a Dark Hermetic Epoch, or Slow Mercury Epoch, akin to Mercury Retrograde (which is always the core of the DHE) lasted from September 23 through November 18.  Is there any wonder that, combining this with the Covid panic, the election was a total mess in quite a few states?  Even in Washington State, where there has been mail-in voting for many years, a gubernatorial candidate is filing lawsuits alleging that the election results were not valid.  I have little doubt that many vote-counters, and voting machines, were inaccurate, confused, nutty, out-of-bounds, during that period because that is "par for the course" during any DHE.  People make ten times as many mistakes, it seems, as do machines or computers or the people who program and run them. Deliberate fraud?  Possibly, and of course Donald Trump's lawyers including Rudy Giuliani, whom I admire, insist that deliberate fraud can be established if the evidence were honestly evaluated.  I shall not make a judgment on that but Rudy's arguments sound convincing.  

I do not believe that astrology can determine the outcome of an election.  It has to be "the will of the people" determining that, not the planets.  However, the planets are clearly and sharply showing the fact of the conflict, division, legal warfare.  As I've mentioned many times, both Saturn and Mars, the two "malefic" planets according to the ancients (they were at least as smart as us), are in their own signs, making them stronger than usual.  Capricorn can be a sign of illness, hence Covid (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn all in that sign since December a year ago).  In March when the Covid panic was getting started Mars joined those planets for the whole month.  In July Mars entered Aries and shall be there until January 6.  Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn on December 17, Thursday; Jupiter leaves it two days later on the 19th.  A new era?  Biden people will say, "Yes, Trump will be gone."  Trump supporters will say, "Maybe the Supreme Court will intervene and Trump will win." I admit that the Texas lawsuit, now joined by about 17 other states, has slim chances in a "strict construction" court, yet some think the suit is being prepared brilliantly.  We shall see.  

But no matter what happens, the divide shall continue, and could center next around Joe and Hunter Biden's racketeering (according to Giuliani who has spent months investigating this) with Chinese companies.  This appears to be much more serious than most of the media are willing to let on. 

Mars was retrograde during the election (September 9 through November 13) and also square Jupiter, considered by CEO Carter to be the worst aspect of all.  Now Mars is direct but again squaring Jupiter, suggesting a "correction" of what went wrong while it was retrograde, and that aspect, happening now, shall be exact on January 22!  The inauguration is the 20th.  Again, Biden people will say "Yes, the mess of the Trump years has been corrected."  Trump people will say, "Yes, Trump will re-assume office despite the fraudulent election."  "We shall see" is the only prediction I am willing to make.

The harshness of the conflict is likely to be worst through Thursday the 17th.  This might also include strains in personal relationships of all kinds.  Beginning Friday the 18th we enter a happier holiday period, yet of course the "divide" shall continue in one form or another.  

Call me naive, but over the years I have investigated multiple methods of astrological timing, for longer periods, and in the past few months I have returned to one of the most elegant methods, which is simply to take each calendar month as a temporal entity of its own.  It is impossible to explain this by "physical" laws of any kind; it has to do with co-incidence, synchronicity, the Synchronous City of this planet, which for some reason adopted a calendar set up by Roman emperors, but now used all over the world.  It works, explain that fact however you will.  We really do not understand the mysteries of Time, though astrology is the most concerted and amazing attempt at that.  Some of the symbols for the month of December are (Charubel's seem most relevant):  

"A battlefield where two contending armies are engaged in deadly conflict."  In America it is obvious what this refers to.  "He must be watchful over his conduct, or he will come to grief."  

"Cross-swords."  "A person always at variance and engaged in quarrels and broils." 

"A bull pawing up the earth."  "He will have his own way; his anger is lasting."

"A man with bow and arrow taking aim at some object in the distance."  "A good marksman, yet noble and humane; generally prosperous."  This shows us all, in the midst of disturbed conditions, making good plans for the future, "taking aim" so that our prosperity shall continue.  

"Two men running a race."  It's been a long race.

"A man struggling in a lake; at last a lifebuoy is thrown to him; finally he is saved."  I leave this to your own interpretation.  Charubel says, "Always in trouble through debt; always involved, on the verge of bankruptcy; finally by some unlooked-for, unexpected 'god-send,' he or she is delivered."  Some are calling the Texas suit for Trump "a hail Mary pass."

"A man on the roof of a building putting slates on it; another carrying them up a long ladder."  "Deeds as tend to benefit the community."  "A lover of peace and promoter of good works."  Yes, we need this.  Co-operation remains possible. 

"A man in a bed; his chamber is dark and gloomy, yet the horizon looks bright."   "Heavy affliction during younger days, but latter days bring health and comforts."  Ending of pandemic?  Or individual recoveries from it.

"Two swords form a cross lying on the ground.  A man stands on them with a sceptre pointing heavenward."  "A person of peace, one who confides in the higher power."  This is a cure for the "cross-swords" previously mentioned.  Let's "confide in the higher power."

Saturday 12 December 
Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:59p PT | 8:59p ET | 1:59a(Su) UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 6:40p PT | 9:40p ET | 2:40a(Su) UT

Sunday 13 December
Moon in Sagittarius
(Final day of the Old Moon; New Moon comes Monday morning at 8:18a PT | 11:18a ET | 4:18p UT 
(an eclipse in some place, not really ultra-significant in itself; it just underlines what has been covered in this report already)

{Weekend of December 12-13}  ^Divided Nation^

Cosmic Piper

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