Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Message for Thursday 17 December 2020

 Thursday 17 December 2020

}Meeting Challenge with Artistry{

Moon in Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until Friday at 4:57a PT | 7:57a ET | 12:57p UT

With shake-up hearings in Congress, the retirement of William Barr, and the possibility that Donald Trump will appoint special prosecutors, the symbol "a man beneath the paw of a lion rampant" takes on significance, especially because Trump is a "lion" by rising sign and Mars placement.  Leo represents the ruler.  Whom do you serve, and are you serving well?  What you do may require some artistic sense or endeavor, as "a man at a table with drawing instruments and paper before him."  We can map out our immediate futures more successfully now, at this point in the Bright Hermetic Epoch, while Mercury moves close to the sun.  

Artistry is also suggested by "a bright star resembling Venus, shining brighter and brighter."  This could be "a genius---poet, painter or musician."  The careers of such people are often tempestuous and sometimes end early.  A different approach to life is suggested by "two men playing chess," a more intellectual and realistic way of dealing with things (although once I asked a chess-player if his skill at that game translated into any other ability, and he said probably not).  Trump and Biden continue their chess game and are joined by countless others on both sides.  In your own life, "chess" is completeness of perspective plus concentration, driving your ability toward fulfillment.

Saturn's entrance into Aquarius today (it was in Capricorn since December 2017) may or may not yield happier times for us.  It shall continue to be squared by Mars, not an easy aspect, into early February.  "An old adobe mission" suggests something one can rely on.  We can resolve not to forget or neglect our heritage, our spiritual status.  Its durability sustains immortal character.  "The Goddess of Mercy enthroned" is one of the happiest degrees.  Sympathy extends in all directions, making for a universal family.  Whether Mary in a manger scene or the Hindu Durga, the universal mother is with us through multifarious manifestations or womanifesations.  

{Thursday}  {Meeting Challenge with Artistry}

Cosmic Piper

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