Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Message for Wednesday 16 December 2020

 Wednesday 16 December 2020

\Disappointment, Aggressiveness, Fresh Hope/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Friday
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:36p PT | 12:36a(Th) ET | 5:36a(Th) UT
until it enters Aquarius at 10:28p PT | 1:28a(Th) ET | 6:28a(Th) UT

Most readers may read these reports before the day or during the day for which they are intended.  Of course that is what they are for, yet I have to say that reading them at the end of the day, or reading the previous day's report the next day, is a good practice.  I just re-read the one for the previous day and found that it gave me helpful insights.  

Also, sometimes the symbols for the day will fit with what you watch online, movies or TV series, or what you read.  The symbols for Monday this week fit perfectly with a movie I watched.  We live vicariously a lot, especially during the pandemic.  

The continuing challenge of Donald Trump and his supporters, though unsupported by most Republican politicians, continues with a "dueling" slate of electors, and we have the symbol "a man standing with drawn sword."  This can be strife and aggression, whether in politics or elsewhere, perhaps mostly polemics, or maybe litigation.  Litigation over the battleground states continues.  In your own life there might be worry that you are declining in some way, that you have failed to reach the aim of your ambition.  This is a natural "defeatist" mood during a |difficult third of the week|. 

"A secret business conference" could be underhanded manipulation of things, as is feared by those worried about plutocratic globalization.  Or perchance it could be wise use of privacy or secrecy when appropriate for a good purpose.  You might become alert to hidden opportunities.  "The ocean covered with whitecaps" could be nervous irritability, or an irrepressible surging of resourceful potentialities. 

"A peculiar, pleasing mask" suggests acting which brings out individuality by adroit, interesting imitation of other-individuality.  Sepharial says that the mask-wearer is "of a kind and sympathetic nature" and attracts friends, though "few will know him for what he really is."  This could be someone you know, or yourself in some of your phases.  Though it's not an easy day, some aspects of it suggest "the gate to the garden of desire."  We see what we don't have yet.  That inculcates faith.  Deeper expectations lead to expansion of prospects, discovery, fresh experience.

{Wednesday}  /Disappointment, Aggressiveness, Fresh Hope\

Cosmic Piper

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