Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Message for Thursday 10 December 2020

 Thursday 10 December 2020


Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Friday evening and is most intense today and tonight
< moon in the Via Combusta (also until Friday evening)
 /moon goes void-of-course at 4:57p PT | 7:57p ET | 12:57a(F) UT
until it enters Scorpio at 6:00p PT | 9:00p ET | 2:00a(F) UT

"A man distributing papers among a multitude of people" thinks he knows what the H is going on and tries to share his knowledge but, says Charubel, though he is "an enthusiast and a strong partisan" his efforts at reform are "very superficial."  (This could be Twitter, Facebook and Youtube appending their criticisms to viewpoints they disagree with. Or it could be the particular politicians you don't like. If it is yourself, you may not notice.  However, we have to do what we can, "superficial" or not, and learn from it.)  Both Republicans and Democrats, Trump-despisers and Biden-fearers, will see their opponent as "a wolf standing upon the carcass of a horse."  Predatory and avaricious, "he will snatch an advantage and then be forced to surrender it to others."  

"An X ray" is a means of investigation and we want to get to the bottom of what is disturbing us.  With Neptune square the sun there should be caution in taking any sort of medicine or drug.  Negative and confused mental processes would benefit from the "x ray" of penetrating discernment.  Courage and resoluteness (sun trine Mars) take form as "men cutting through ice."  Work can be organized in concentrated ways which remove impediments and save time.  Competency in procuring what one needs must be developed gradually and with unfailing faith (especially on a day like this). 

Despite suffering, pure intention triumphs over all obstacles.  Then one "unfurls a white flag displaying a red Maltese cross."  One has vanquished "every puny foe" through nobility of mind.  There remains "a garden of many-hued flowers" to be enjoyed amid friends and admirers, even if many are invisible for now.

{Thursday}  {Resoluteness}

Cosmic Piper

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