Friday, December 4, 2020

Message for Weekend of 5-6 December 2020, and Look Ahead

 Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 December 2020 with Look Ahead

Week of Saturday 5 through Friday 11 December 2020

My mantra has been, "I try to avoid politics" but it is increasingly difficult to do that.  I realize many of my readers are supporters of Biden and believe that "Trump has lost."  Some readers are Trump supporters, and others are more or less neutral but concerned about the viability of the election.  I probably can't please all, but have to say that while I voted for Kanye West, as a protest against the other two, I take very seriously the multiple and increasing charges of election fraud in Biden's favor, and I am angry at the evident bias of the media in his favor, to the point of pretending that there is no evidence of election wrongdoing.  Facts are facts and the truth will come out, multiple complex truths no doubt. 

And so I am looking at the current planetary positions and aspects and seeing (quoting from a book by astrologer Reinhold Ebertin) "Desire to assert oneself and to bring about decisions, meeting with opposition at negotiations, conflicts, difficulties due to superiors or officials."  Sounds like the current political landscape of the USA.  There is also "severity, harshness, insubmissiveness, stubbornness, desire to overcome opposition, tendency to estrangement, separation, grief."  These indications are especially strong this week and next, past the 14th which is supposed to be when the Electoral College votes.  No matter what happens, half the country will be upset and disappointed.  And if the dispute drags on, both halves will be upset.  There is also "ruthlessness, brutality, violent acts, being harmed, danger of accidents and injury."  We do not have to submit to that of course, but perhaps the warning is appropriate.  Apart from politics, our personal lives could be subject to such trends, plus "illusion, self-delusion, deceptiveness, defamation, sleeplessness, overenjoyment of alcohol or nicotine etc."  Thank you Mr. Ebertin for being frank.  "Plans without possibility of realization" is a catch-all which could feel appropriate, though in this Bright Hermetic Epoch through January 14 we can shape our plans wisely.  

I believe that beginning December 18 we will have a much better time of it, on the personal level.  The Christmas season beginning then should be a great treat and relief this year.  And so if the previous two paragraphs seem to get you down, take heart.  Of course the way we deal with the challenges will affect what happens in the later period either positively or negatively, so we have to remain responsible through the storm. Let us hope that courage and honesty prevail. 

This week, Tuesday the 8th and Wednesday the 9th, though "in the storm," should display some strong, friendly, and prospering factors working for us.  True, there is stress and rebellion, yet we can appreciate the good things also and these could be two good days for planning happy events beginning on the 18th, as well as for enjoying what is going on at the moment.   There can be "hopefulness, high ideals, generosity, acquaintance with prominent personalities, profit or advantage without effort."  In other words, a foretaste of what will be more definite beginning on the 18th.

However, I can't sugar-coat this week.  There might be also "philosophical, political or religious conflicts" (no kidding), "revolutionary ideas, tactlessness, overhasty acts."  Even harder, "backlash from past mistakes, disputes, resistance, losses."  Perhaps "mishaps or machine damage."  (As I write, at least two lawsuits are being leveraged against the Dominion voting system. A friend on the Left says he agrees there is something wrong there.  "A woman suffragist haranguing" is saying "our votes didn't count.")    

We take the weeks as beginning on Saturday and ending on Friday.  By Friday the 11th you should have gone through a lot of "rocking of the boat" and know more clearly where you are and what is possible next.  I hope what was given here will strengthen your spine for whatever you have to face.  It's never all suffering.  Who will attend the "embassy ball"?  Biden, Trump, or neither?  "An Indian woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children" has a lot on her mind.  "A master instructing his pupil" is a fortifying influence if we take time to listen.  "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity" proffers rewards if we earn and accept them.

Saturday 5 December 2020
Moon in Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 10:10a PT | 1:10p ET | 6:10p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:29p PT | 5:29p ET | 10:29p UT

Sunday 6 December 2020
Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Virgo at 11:47a PT | 2:47p ET | 7:47p UT

{Weekend of 5-6 December 2020, and Look Ahead}

Cosmic Piper

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