Friday, December 18, 2020

Message for Saturday 19 December 2020

 Saturday 19 December 2020

~Personal Gamesmanship~

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:46a PT | 3:46a ET | 8:46a UT
until it enters Pisces at 4:40a PT | 7:40a ET | 12:40p UT

The report for Friday included 'We can fight off defeat or antagonism indicated by "a comet with a long tail pointing toward the earth," which, says Charubel, is a baneful "scourge of nations."'  I did not feel good Friday morning, got up later than usual, and heard the blare of helicopters buzzing around my neighborhood.  It turns out they were "observing" another protest here in Seattle, sometimes known as an "alternative government zone," this time having to do with the homeless.  I am all for aiding the homeless, but am not sure just what needs to be done, and find the helicopters more ominous than the demonstrators a few blocks from me.  Their hovering and noise feel like that "baneful comet with a long tail."  In that same first paragraph of yesterday's report I said 'We might repine over someone else's troubles, as "a man of middle age watching over a cradle."  We might suffer their problems in silence, yet our sympathy and prayer are supportive.'  This is what the demonstrators are doing, outside a yellow abandoned house they feel should be used for the homeless.  

Saturday:  That same degree remains prominent today; what particular problem it might indicate in your own world I shall not guess.  "A man standing at the junction of cross roads not knowing which way to go" is indecisive and may have to make up his mind.  "A timid hare" might lose his way through inefficacy because "not following the direct and honest course in life."  

"An anatomist or physiologist in a dissecting room" suggests analyzing dysfunctions in a way which gets helpful results.   Health problems may be going in a different, perhaps more favorable, direction with Jupiter and Saturn both having entered Aquarius in the last two days.  Some portions of one's anatomy may be unique or not susceptible to the usual rules--anomalous.  Standards of beauty also are very individual, so that the question "what does he or she see in her or him" is a perennial one.  "A man viewing himself in a looking-glass" may see what he wants to see, though self-confidence is helpful.  

There has been a tendency toward overeating lately.  "A fat boy mowing the lawn" wants to earn his gargantuan meals by participating fairly in the immediate needs of human society.  The sportsmanship of "a game of cricket" (or perchance football) refines and strengthens personal potentialities.  People are challenged to be themselves when playing by the rules.  Given the uncertainties in the second paragraph above, enjoying life as a sort of game might be "cricket."  

{Saturday}  ~Personal Gamesmanship~

Cosmic Piper

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