Monday, December 28, 2020

Message for Tuesday 29 December 2020

 Tuesday 29 December 2020

~Full Plodding Moon~

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon is void-of-course
until it enter Cancer at 2:29a PT | 5:29a ET | 10:29a UT
Full Moon of Capricorn-Cancer at 7:29p PT | 10:29p ET | 3:29a UT

The prominence of Saturn through planetary positions and rulerships (all but Mars in Aries and Luna in Cancer) could explain "a cross and a broken key" as a signet of futility.  It can mean "abortive enterprises" with "loss of reputation."  Sepharial says we should, rather than turn the key prematurely, "knock and wait in patience."  The Temple of Wisdom is entered with the key of "humility of spirit."  "A plowman plowing" is "content to live by steady, plodding labor."  

Someone whose "face is painted with grotesque scrolls, surrounded by a mass of tangled hair" is eccentric, colorful but disorderly, and probably not successful.  This could be Venus square Neptune, "genius of a fruitless type" yet interesting.  If we are sufficiently Saturnian, sagacious and disciplined, we will be more like someone "climbing a steep hill of steps while an angel form at the top gives words of cheer and holds a golden crown."  Something worth waiting for keeps us going.

The very long-lasting square between Mars and Pluto is forcefulness.  "A warrior in bright armor with drawn sword" has a mission to accomplish.  "Go and conquer!" urges Charubel.  To do this involves "lost opportunity regained in the imagination."  Rather than pitying oneself, one reformulates  one's efforts in a  creatively fluid manner.  

{Tuesday}  ~Full Plodding Moon~

Cosmic Piper

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