Sunday, December 27, 2020

Message for Monday 28 December 2020

 Monday 28 December 2020: Fourth Day of Christmas

}Singing Through it All{

Moon in Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:02p PT | 10:02p ET | 3:02a(Tu) UT

What is real and what unreal? A question while Venus is square Neptune, especially in the sphere of emotions and social desires.  One might give up the merely erotic for the sake of divine selfless love.  Otherwise, one might be like "a man, richly attired, having lost his foothold, falling to the ground."  This is loss of dignity through bad judgment.  It is decadence, and "the breaking up of families and the loss of their traditions."  Saturn's prominence could make us feel like "a man desponding, standing on a barren plain with leaden-colored clouds overhead."  

On the other hand, one might, through perseverance, be like "a man walking with bent head, leaning upon a staff."  Severed ties and disappointed hopes do not agitate his resignation, and so the will of Heaven gives consolation for his griefs and sorrows.  During lighter moods, when Luna is sextile Mars later in the day, one might feel like "a little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles," innocent and healthy, bent on personal amusement.

Sobriety and the will-to-knowledge, plus the Full Moon (exact tomorrow), could bring into your life "a book on which stand a compass and an hourglass."  You could become intimate with laws of nature by which time and space are surmounted or extended in any direction you wish.  This is discovery-making depth of thought.  Then "the birds in the house are singing happily" because you shape circumstances and precipitate events according to reliable principles.  This is the establishment of yourself in accord with your talents.  

{Monday}  {Singing Through it All}

Cosmic Piper

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