Saturday, December 26, 2020

Message for Sunday 27 December 2020, Plus: Years of Romance, Amity, Friendship (and general good fortune)

 Message for Sunday 27 December 2020, plus:

Years of Romance, Amity, Friendship and general good fortune!

Sunday 27 December 2020

Moon in Gemini

My research has been intense and constant for 42 years, attempting to find the best "formulas" to show "what is going on" for everyone on the planet.  We are in this thing together.  I find that the annual and monthly charts for everyone fit my own experiences better than anything I can draw out of my "own" birth horoscope.  Here is presented a new branch of research, based on calendar years, which I see now to have their own character.  For some reason known only to the Supreme, our human calendar works along with astronomical order and astrological wisdom.

Years of Romance, Amity, Friendship and general good fortune!

1960 - variable 
1961 Yes
1962 Yes 
1963 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1964  -  difficult, perilous, challenging
1965 Yes, but very difficult, perilous, challenging
1966 Yes
1967 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1968 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1969 Yes

1970 Yes
1971 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1972 Yes
1973 - difficult, perilous, challenging 
1974 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1975 - variable
1976 - variable
1977 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1978 - variable
1979 Yes

1980 - variable
1981 - somewhat lucky
1982 Yes
1983 - variable
1984 - variable
1985 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1986 Yes
1987 Yes
1988 Yes, though mildly difficult
1989 Yes

1990 Yes
1991 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
1992 - variable
1993 - variable
1994 Yes
1995 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging 
1996 - variable
1997 Yes, but very difficult, perilous, challenging
1998 Yes
1999 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging

2000 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
2001 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
2002 Yes
2003 Yes
2004 Yes
2005 Yes
2006 Yes, but very difficult, perilous, challenging
2007 - variable, but somewhat lucky
2008 - difficult, perilous, challenging
2009 Yes

2010 - difficult, perilous, challenging
2011 Yes
2012 - variable
2013 - variable
2014 Yes
2015 - variable
2016 - variable 
2017 Yes
2018 Yes
2019 Yes

2020 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
2021 Yes
2022 - variable
2023 Yes
2024 - difficult, perilous, challenging
2025 - variable but somewhat lucky
2026 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging
2027 Yes 
2028 - variable
2029 Yes, but difficult, perilous, challenging

2030 - variable but somewhat lucky

I believe that if your memory is accurate and full, you will see hat these indications make sense and illumine your experience.  It usually takes a while to recall everything major that happened in a given year.  "One size fits all" may seem odd, yet a relationship or friendship involves two individuals, so it may be that these "universal" indications trump your "own" horoscope in many ways (for other horoscopes are also involved).  

Though we can enjoy, grow, and learn in any and every year, I am glad that 2021 gives us a "Yes"!

{Sunday}  Years of Romance, Amity, Friendship (and general good fortune) 

Cosmic Piper

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