Monday, December 7, 2020

Message for Tuesday 8 December 2020

 Tuesday 8 December 2020

\Expanding Liberty for Self and All/

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:36p PT | 5:36p ET | 10:36p UT
until it enters Libra at 4:02p PT | 7:02p ET | 12:02a(W) UT

Cruelty is what I abhor above all else, hence am not pleased with the symbol "a man holding a fowl by the neck and strangling it."  Yet no one can deny the prevalence of cruelty to animals, and this could be a wake-up call to help where possible.  PETA, Farm Sanctuary, Mercy for Animals, ASPCA, the Humane Society and other groups are working in that area.  Charubel says the symbol shows someone not only cruel but "a coward who will take advantage of the weak and defenseless."  Another bane of the day could be someone colorfully eccentric but disorderly to the point of grotesqueness.  We can tolerate such behavior or even appreciate it but at a certain point it becomes unbalanced and unfortunate.  

"A secret business conference" could be good or bad depending on what the business is doing and what its stockholders use their profits for.  It could signify opportunities you could benefit by if you were a little more savvy.  It might mean monopolizing others' resources, but could this be done for a good purpose?  If one is more humble one follows the safe and perhaps God-fearing path of "a plowman engaged in plowing," that is, being steady and industrious in a plodding but admirable manner.

The sun's square with Neptune can be impressionability leading to self-delusion, or it can be receptivity to the mystical and profound.  It could be some small success plus empathy and sharing.  "Tiny children in sunbonnets" are innocent, normal, fully participating in everyday living, trying this and that.  When inspired they might summon a "magic carpet" transporting them into panoramas of vivid adventure through freedom of spirit and soul.

{Tuesday}  /Expanding Liberty for Self and All\

Cosmic Piper

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