Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Message for Thursday 24 December 2020, and Friday and Saturday: Christmastide

 Thursday 24 December 2020

\Christmastide, and the Christmas Star:  Extended Play!/

The daily data for Thursday through Saturday are at the end of this report.

Researching the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which is getting so much attention in the media and online, I can report to you as follows:

1.  It occurs about every 20 years.  (Those who say every 80 years or such are taking account of the fact that the two planets are not always so close in latitude and so do not temporarily appear to be one star.)  It is called a "mutation" by some because it seems to mark off eras or epochs, 20-year epochs if you will.  If we allow a whole 15 degrees of longitude for the aspect, which I have found to be essential in this timing, the beginning of a twenty-year epoch is not one year but one-twelfth of the whole epoch, or about 20 months.  Let's look at them so you can review what happened during these periods in your own life:

A.  Fresh Beginning period of 1960-62:  
1960, March 23 --  May 2
1960, October 8 -- 1962, February 5

B. Fresh Beginning period of 1980-81:
1980, July 5 -- 1982, January 4

C.  Fresh Beginning period of 1999-2001:
1999 June 13 -- October 25
2000, January 3 -- 2001, May 29

D.  Fresh Beginning period of 2020-21:
2019, December 29 -- 2021, April 27

Depending on your age, you've probably experienced one at least one of these "fresh beginning" periods, and it would repay you to review what was going on in your life at those times.  

I'm the easiest example to give, for me, so:  A.  It was in April 1960 that I received my college scholarship, the beginning of a long and meandering college career.  B.  In the summer and fall of 1980 I knew I had to leave New York City and fumbled to find my right location.  I left, and wandered the West, including California and Colorado, for the whole B. period, ending up at "the top of the world," Estes Park in Colorado.  I was there when the period ended in early January 1982, and then went to Boulder where I stayed for 30 years.  C.  In the summer of 1999 I got my first computer and started the Cosmic Piper daily forecast.  It has continued for these 20 years.  D.  It's too early to evaluate what this period has meant, but I know that despite the pandemic I seem to be better off in many ways than ever before, making it possible to start new things, perhaps in the next four months before this "fresh beginning" period ends.  Let's hope we shall all be relieved of masks and lockdowns before long so we can all do that.

In addition to this, I have been researching "calendar year astrology" which I have experimented with in the past but never as fully or seriously as now.  Major results are in, and it is indubitable that charts set up for January 1 do forecast, foreshadow, outline, make clear, what happens in the following year.  This is a major development in my astrological work.  It may seem surprising that it took me this long to see its value, but old habits die hard and most astrologers either do not do any annual charts, except solar returns for individuals, or use a chart for the vernal equinox toward the end of March.  I don't deny that these charts have some validity, but I am now wholly involved with the calendar year charts and am exploring how they have worked for myself and many others in the past.  Extraordinary!  I'm not sure if I will feel confident enough to make projections for 2021 from these charts, but shall keep you posted!

Meanwhile, to do all that, plus Christmas festivities, I shall drop the daily reports for a few days, beginning again probably with Sunday, December 27.  One thing to remember:  The square between Mars and Pluto can be intense, obsessive energy, a desire to be indomitable and on top of everything, even to force one's will.  We could use this impatience wisely rather than let it trip us.  It is with us during this whole three-day period.  

Merry Christmas!  

Thursday 24 December 2020: Christmas Eve
/moon is void-of-course until it enters Taurus at 2:57a PT | 5:57a ET | 10:57a UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues

Friday 25 December 2020: First Day of Christmas
Moon in Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third} of this week ends at 11:13a PT | 2:13p ET | 7:13p UT

Saturday 26 December 2020: Second Day of Christmas
Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:33a PT | 6:33a ET | 11:33a UT
until it enters Gemini at 3:34p PT | 6:34p ET | 11:34p UT

/Christmastide and the Christmas Star\ 

Cosmic Piper

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