Monday, July 27, 2020

Message for Tuesday 28 July 2020

Tuesday 28 July 2020

~Headquarters is Everywhere~

Moon in Scorpio
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:02p PT | 12:02a(W) ET | 4:02a(W) UT

We have two exact squares in the heavens, and two of our symbols fit them.  "A bull tossing a man with his horns" would be Mars square Mercury, a very impatient aspect and one which does not scruple about being cruel if that seems necessary for self-interest.  If you are a kindly person you might be on the receiving end of such impatient rudeness.  One could raise this to a level of "what I need to get for myself is mine, so I go for it directly" if one is trying to be honest and fair.   The other intense aspect, Venus square Neptune, could fit with "the constellations in the sky" for this can be an aspect of losing oneself in the blissful cosmos, as on a starry night.  Mental-spiritual quest can ramify infinitely.  The remote and mysterious, when apprehended amicably, is friendly in return, and grants surety when, as in the heavens, there is dependability of location and motion.  

"Two prim spinsters" have their differences even if able to live close to each other.  The keyword Divorcement suggests that they have divorced themselves from menfolk perhaps (or inversely if the "spinsters" are male), and periodically divorce from each other when they need their "space."  Each shares in the other's fidelity to self.  Sometimes one of them will be "a general accepting defeat gracefully" and then she or he will wait for later opportunities to be together companionably.  Expediency has its place within the relationship.

A cardinal-sign T-square, active and adventurous, makes us feel like "Indians making camp" or extemporizing whether at home or elsewhere, turning every place into temporary headquarters.  This can be thrilling at certain moments, when one joys in whatever turns up.  At other times it can be sweet and refreshing, as if one were "a young woman lying beneath a tree, throwing food to the birds which gather around her."  This is geniality, fellow-feeling, and shared happiness.  

{Tuesday}   ~Headquarters is Everywhere~

Cosmic Piper

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