Sunday, July 5, 2020

Message for Monday 6 July 2020

Monday 6 July 2020

}Squarely Determined Choices{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until Tuesday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:36a PT | 5:36a ET | 9:36a UT
until it enters Aquarius at 3:09a PT | 6:09a ET | 10:09a UT (about a half hour later)

"A house on fire at night-time" has intimations of the political turmoil going on in the U. S. in the post-Independence Day period.  Domestic turmoil, strife, and rashness are evident on both sides of the opinion spectrum.  However, "a woman entering a convent" is the saner, more stable and self-sacrificing side of humanity, such as the tireless health workers trying so hard and bravely to save lives with no judgment of the beliefs of those being treated.  They are a remarkable example for all.  

The more profound side of our human condition seeks outlet through careful thinking, and also through precise organization of our homes and finances.  "A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him" might be working on his taxes, or involved in more abstract philosophic musings.  He knows he has to be thorough and careful (taking account of all sides of the "square"), balancing opposites in at least two directions in order to get solid square answers.  We may be doing this unconsciously or semi-consciously.

We play roles, assuming one character or another, like the "beautifully gowned wax figures" of a museum.  Thus we impact others strikingly and absorb their impacts.  This is thrilling sometimes (moon sextile Mars and trine Venus), and thought-inducing.  "A square brightly lighted on one side" is our consciousness lit by our choices.  We create our reality through the set of mind we adopt.  We can have faith that such self-direction will succeed ultimately.  

{Monday}  {Squarely Determined Choices}

Cosmic Piper

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