Sunday, July 12, 2020

Message for Monday 13 July 2020

Monday 13 July 2020

\Recovering Through Detached Endeavor/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:55a PT | 11:55a ET | 3:55p UT
until it enters Taurus at 10:35a PT | 1:35p ET | 5:35p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Tuesday mid-morning

Portions of the day may seem ominous or depressing.  "A young laurel tree broken by the wind" can recover and in fact the "brokenness" may be imaginary, in the case of us humans; we need to be patient and refrain from jumping on false solutions to problems just because we are weary of the true gradual tested solutions. The sun opposite Jupiter can be succumbing to appetites, eating too much.  For health also smoking and drinking should be restrained.  When the deeper essences of life are sought, we get a better, more secure sense of who we are.  We could turn to "a person teaching new forms for old symbols" with profit, that is, be open to fresh interpretations of life rather than to gorging on life or imbibing it.  Vigor comes through the mind rather than the stomach.

If feeling morose or irritated by life or people, one might join "a literary society" or develop one's power of intelligent criticism of people and their actions.  This can be constructive because it makes plain what one wants to avoid, by seeing it depicted vividly in literature or drama.  If indulging physical rather than literary appetites, you might have issues with the manager of a restaurant or grocery, or find him or her annoying in some way, or this might be a reflection of your own moods and impatient tendencies.  The |sobering third| of the week requires detachment.  

Yet you want to be triumphant in your own way, through pursuing your special accomplishments.  This is possible.  You might be ready to earn "two awards for bravery in war."  You are resourceful in developing practical areas of experience.  Your dedication to doing that could gain recognition.  Beyond that, the natural universe is beautiful and gives us so much in both food and flourishing colorfulness.  "Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover" are ours to climb.  It is not unmanly or unladylike to hug the trees and smell the flowers. 

{Monday}  /Recovering Through Detached Endeavor\

Cosmic Piper

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