Sunday, July 19, 2020

Message for Monday 20 July 2020

Monday 20 July 2020

^Enduring Temporary Defeat with Persistence^

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
New Moon of Leo occurs at 10:34a PT | 1:34p ET 5:34p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until Tuesday late afternoon
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:56a PT | 1:56p ET | 5:56p UT
until it enters Leo at 1:17p PT | 4:17p ET | 8:17p UT

With the help of the New Moon, we may feel like "a man driving a bull or an ox."  Sometimes the "bull" is ourselves.  If in a position of authority where one "drives" someone else, there is likely to be obstinacy or resentment, with the moon and sun both opposing Saturn.  We are face to face with "reality" or the conditions which need to be handled with as much poise as possible.  We weigh values to arrive at effective judgment.  This is like being "a Muse weighing twins" or deciding what to emphasize and what to de-emphasize at each moment.  We should be good at this, with Mercury sextile Uranus while the former gains speed. That gives mental alacrity. 

The |difficult third| of this week makes us feel like "a general accepting defeat gracefully."   Expediency can win over former enemies or those who have seemed to block one's path.  Opportunism may go under cover, yet retain its long-range goals.  Work in seclusion for a while is part of the overall process.  You may face doubt of your ability to do what you know you can do.  An "unsuccessful bomb explosion" is impetuosity in the face of delay.  People will come around as Mercury slowly gains speed and things should be easier by the 26th, or next week, and even by tomorrow to some degree.  It is fortunate that the explosion does not succeed, for it would make things worse, and the energy behind it can be used in better ways, namely, to keep pushing toward feasible goals.

"An epidemic of mumps" is self-explanatory for we are being warned on all sides to be careful during the pandemic.  At another level it can be susceptibility to a self-defeating retreat from experience, rather than participation in current affairs.  We need to avoid an "infection of defeatism."  You might feel like "a man sitting upon his heels and breaking stones with a hammer."  That would be fruitless labor.  Or it could rather be labor which although seemingly fruitless for a time will bear fruit eventually.  

{Monday}  ^Enduring Temporary Defeat with Persistence^

Cosmic Piper

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