Sunday, February 23, 2020

Monday 24 February 2020

Monday 24 February 2020

~Groping Toward Adventure~

Moon in Pisces

We have not been discussing the Mercury Retrograde phenomenon much (till March 10) but it is very much in evidence in my life and no doubt in yours. Things seem "sticky." They take longer. There is "too much" occupying one's attention so that while you go into one room with the food items you need, you forget the silverware, or you walk out of the bedroom without socks and wonder why you are barefoot and have to go back, or keep noticing an item on a table which belongs somewhere else and finally put it back, or the internet gets your attention and you spend an hour rather than your allotted ten minutes surfing. Then you are behind with something else, and shift your schedule. And so on. Sometimes a minor health problem seems to flare up for no reason and it takes extra time to resolve. You run out of soap, bathroom tissue or toothpaste. 

But also:  You listen to old music and it gives you a high, and reassurance: That old song is still thrilling, still perfect. You find that your spiritual reading has depths of implication you had missed before.  You wander somewhere aimlessly and an old friend greets you unexpectedly.  You realize you have been sitting and musing for fifteen minutes and that you are reliving something from your childhood, or pondering a departed family member or a friend you haven't seen for years.  The past is alive and there is nothing wrong with revisiting it; from that you get fresh perspective on the present.  

Also, for me, there is always more astrological research, and REvising.  If you are a naturalist, the same, or if you have a hobby like sewing or car repair or whatnot.  You fix things, approaches, you remodel your way of doing things.  Mercury wants us to REwork things which are not up to par.  I said in the report for Saturday that maybe Elizabeth Warren would do better than expected in the Nevada Caucuses.  She did not.  She came in third, as was expected.  So I went back to the daily chart and REstudied it, REworked various field systems I use (they were discovered, some of them, when I was writing forecasts for the twelve sun-signs and had to find something different for each sign).  I found that by changing just one of the three systems I use each day, back to an older system I had used for a long time but abandoned, Virgo (Sanders) would turn out to have the best chance of winning on Saturday, as he did---not Cancer (Warren).  So then I checked the system with the date of Trump's win (11/8/2016) and lo and behold, it worked perfectly then also (Gemini favored over Hillary's Scorpio). Then I checked it with a lot of events in my own life.  Eureka!  It is not a totally new system.  Finding something new at these MR times can often be a delusion.  No, it was a REturn to a method I had dropped, although I had seen before that it was REliable. Such things happen often during a MR period.  Don't be ashamed or worried if you are revising or re-evaluating the way you do things, reading old books, watching old movies, delving into memories.  It's just what Dr. Hermes ordered, probably.

Monday:  Yes, you are rebuilding that "dilapidated mining plant" or whatever is temporarily dysfunctional.  You are preventing it from "going bankrupt."  Or if for a while you just want to "give up" on life or activity, waiting for a "better time," you might drift to a private corner, or your bedroom, lie down, and give yourself over to erotic fantasies.  (Not polite to mention that.)  Charubel the vigilant Victorian warns us against such weakness:  "Do not follow the dictates of passion, nor yield to the desires of thy lower nature.  If by virtue of a firm resolve thou art able to overcome these elemental promptings, then thou wilt pass through the evil crisis."   I leave the interpretation and application to you.

Depending on how active one chooses to be, one could throw oneself into adventure, as "a man equipped for a rough journey, belted and armed."  This is bold, fearless and inquisitive discovery.  It could be playful, yet has a direction, as if one had "a target" in mind to be hit through concentration and rivalry.

We may extend ourselves indefinitely, with four planets in Pisces the sign of "no limits. " It is in a sense the sign of infinity, yet in tangible life this resolves into complexity, "a dark archway with ten logs at the bottom." You could explore something so thoroughly that you become a part of it or it becomes part of you.  This is not the same as groping aimlessly, though it might seem that way when one finds oneself accompanied by "a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant."  They may not know what they are doing, but their implicit tendencies can be woven into an unlimited utilization of their talents which fulfills them as much as oneself.

{Monday}  ~Groping Toward Adventure~

Cosmic Piper

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