Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Message for Thursday 13 February 2020

Thursday 13 February 2020

}From Malice to Participation in Harmony{

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until midday Friday
and may be most intense from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET | 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Universal Time
< the moon is also in the Via Combusta, a confusing cosmic reshuffling
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:41p PT | 4:41p ET | 8:41p UT
until it enters Scorpio at 4:39p PT | 7:39p ET | 12:39a(F) UT

"Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth," entreats Psalm 140.  Some might think that the "evil speaker" who ought not to be established is Donald Trump; some, Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff.  I refrain from such political adjudication as much as possible.  What I am most concerned about is that the "evil speaker" be not Cosmic Piper!  I try hard to take the "warning" aspects and the "warning" symbols for each day and not just "sugar-coat" them but rather make them nourishing by showing how we in our daily living can turn them around, learn from what they indicate and improve our lives in every direction.  No small task, and I can claim only moderate success.  I deeply appreciate those of you who read these reports attempting to find something valuable in them.  Today there are so many difficult indications, including most of the symbols, that I fear I might either (a) depress you unmercifully so that you approach everything with self-defeating trepidation, or (b) dress up the warning symbols in pleasant costumes so that I deprive you of the warnings you might actually need. I shall pray while writing this and hope you will do so when reading it.

We start with "a dark face expressing fierce anger and malice." This could be vindictiveness to the point of mania, somewhere in the world (I hope not in your corner of it). As an "avenger of hereditary wrongs" he could be a member of any of various groups. Be happy if your only contact with this syndrome is through the news. Of course the obverse is that you could be the one temporarily feeling fiercely angry. 

Another degree is also one of the most troubling in the total of 1,080.  It connotes someone who while seeming good or nice actually dabbles in black or dark magic and ends up hurting people. Significantly, the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, killed by the President and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, was born with not one but two planets in this degree. Charubel says, "Destitute of one spark of real sympathy.  One who will ever prove treacherous to those who take him into their confidence. . . . Under the most favorable circumstances such a person will find very strong leanings to injure his fellow men rather than do them good."  Many Iranians agreed with that assessment, though not all.  What does this mean for today?  Perhaps: Be aware of the "lurking devil of cruelty" in others and in yourself.  I pray daily that cruelty may disappear from the heart and mind of humanity. That includes hidden, unrecognized cruelty in our own hearts and minds. For example, some watch, almost daily, TV series or movies which glorify violence, torture, and other forms of cruelty. What does that do to our individual and collective conscience? Do we not tend to bring into reality that to which we give ourselves in entertainment? It is worth considering. 

We have more of the same in "a raven standing on a stone." This person is morose, revengeful, and secretive, a reclusive misanthrope. It may not be an individual you know but some tendency in someone, or in yourself, of which you could become aware. At the least harmful level it could be ironic dark humor. That in fact may seem more harmless than it is, hiding a curse.  Almost the opposite of this, yet equally negative, is "a man surrounded by others seeking a quarrel."  Here the enmity is outward and not hidden, in the form of quick anger or rashness.  Some enjoy quarreling as if it were a sport. 

The last two indicators offer paths out of the preceding.  "A fat boy mowing the lawn" is perhaps angry within, at first: "Why do I have to do this, rather than my brother or cousin? What is the point of it?  I am being exploited" etc.  But as he completes his task he realizes that his participation in the community is a good thing, helping him to feel useful and diminishing the anger which was masking insecurity.  We may make fun of "the work ethic" when it is used as an excuse for exploiting workers, but everyone feels better when giving something back to the community, when participating.  Another avenue out of malice is more pacific, "A lyre lying upon a wreath of flowers."  This could be a guitar or keyboard, a voice; it is music calming the seething breast  If not music, this could be poetry, philosophy or eloquent expressions which persuade others toward harmony. Heaven knows we need as much of that as we can get. 

{Thursday}  {From Malice to Participation in Harmony}

Cosmic Piper

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