Monday, February 17, 2020

Message for Tuesday 18 February 2020

Tuesday 18 February 2020

\Bruises Heal During a Slow Climb/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:04a PT | 4:04a ET | 9:04a UT
until it enters Capricorn at 2:38a PT | 5:38a ET | 10:38a UT

Venus in Aries (the sign of Mars, in which it is hindered), now square to Jupiter and the moon, can be a conscious or subconscious attempt to corral people or force them to do what you think they ought to do. This does not usually get a happy response, though in some cases they might just be glad that you are aware of them at all. Since Mercury is retrograde, you might also find yourself pondering some incidents in the past when you felt estranged from people, rejected by them or hurt by them, or when you did that to someone else without realizing it. This can be constructive reminiscence. We rework things in consciousness at these times and that can be ultimately constructive even if we dwell sometimes on sad happenings. 

Trines of the moon and Mars with Uranus, plus a strong sextile between Jupiter and Neptune, suggest good fortune, perhaps material gain or luck. One might enjoy this somewhat selfishly without sharing it with anyone, or perhaps be a little more generous than that, because this could be a day of friendship. 

Five planets in Capricorn emphasize a desire for respect or distinction, a position where one can exercise power and influence. This is not beyond reach. People ascend to the level of authority they deserve in some area or other. We need to be patient with this process while Mercury is retrograde until March 10 (and even a couple weeks beyond that), but not give up. The long slow climb is better than a precipitous scramble with much falling. Prominence and honor ensue from enduring gradual effort as its natural rewards. 

{Tuesday}  /Bruises Heal During a Slow Climb\

Cosmic Piper

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