Friday, February 14, 2020

Message for Saturday 15 February 2020

Saturday 15 February 2020

~Toward Transcendent Living~

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:21p PT | 5:21p ET | 10:21p UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 8:08p PT | 11:08p ET | 4:08a(Su) UT

Starting with the warning signs, we have again the "diabolical" degree, indicating someone who while seeming okay is secretly trying to hurt people through nefarious means.  I don't like this any more than you do but I report it faithfully because these symbols have proved their value over the years.  What this means to me is: Look to yourself first, and make sure you are not subtly, without even realizing it, harboring cruel thoughts or wishes, almost "cursing" someone in your  consciousness.  If you are free of any such tendencies, you will be protected from anyone else who might submit to them.  Even in a battle, you would be protected while others around you fall. But again, watch out that you do not secretly, without realizing it, rejoice in someone else's downfall. Then your victory will be clean and lasting.

Do you know someone who is "the Pope" or someone who is "the king of the fairies approaching his domain"?  You or one you admire has such spiritual charisma and the resulting power over others' lives.  "The Pope," or any religious or spiritual official, has real sanctity if he represents true values.  "The king of the fairies" holds allegiance to his own hopes and imaginative reconstructions of the world of experience around him, and so is independent of passing states of affairs.  Someone combining both of these roles at a high level would be a rare being indeed.  I have met one in my life, and I know of a few others. What about you? 

Some traditions bring beauty and assurance into our hearts and lives.  The spiritual delicacy of "a girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude" combines with a desire to strip back to essentials, the better to be immersed in "the accepted roots of all-being" or "a new dimension of conscious reality."  This is ultimately beyond verbal description.

{Saturday}  ~Toward Transcendent Living~

Cosmic Piper

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