Thursday, February 20, 2020

Message for Friday 21 February 2020

Friday 21 February 2020

}Goddess Largess{

Moon in Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third of this week continues until it ends at 3:42p PT | 6:42p ET | 11:42p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:09p PT | 11:09p ET | 4:09a(Sa) UT

We are seeking what is lasting and reliable, "a petrified forest." To survive is to persist in pushing forth something from within, not just relying on something without. Then the "petrifaction" is not dead but living, the survival of one's body beyond normal limits. This is a program within the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (her birthday is today). Such aspirations require for fulfillment "a beacon light on a high rock" which could be the amazing, brilliant, nonpareil teachings of Sri Aurobindo. 

This is a day of good fortune. What you need comes to you as if a cloud drifting through the sky and then releasing "an influence resembling a shower of pearls of variegated hue." This is something magical, or something The Mother knows about and does (this symbol too is in her birth chart). She dispersed celestial gifts over the earth and continues to do so. Ultimately, benefiting from such largess requires cooperating with others in some ways, as "a party entering a large canoe" to continue their spiritual journey while the endeavor of each contributes to the progress of all the others.

It is possible to use spiritual or material gifts unwisely, "a child of about five with a huge shopping bag."  However, the bag might contain presents to offer to co-participants in living.  We both fulfill and enhance one another's expectations through sharing.  Or the "child," or immature adult, could waste what he or she is given by squandering it on earthy, selfish desires.  "A woman holds scales, on one side a cup of red wine, on the other a number of golden coins."  Only by knowing the true use of what lies on both sides of the scale can upset be avoided.

{Friday}  {Goddess Largess}

Cosmic Piper

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