Friday, February 21, 2020

Message for Sunday 23 February 2020

Sunday 23 February 2020

~Hidden Light Expands Toward Objectives~

Moon in Pisces
New Moon of Pisces is exact at 7:33a PT |10:33a ET | 3:33p UT

The New Moon can be a sort of transition time, but this one is mostly a quiet one.  "A coal pit, the machinery at a standstill, the plant in a dilapidated condition" suggests that we need remedial work, or slow development of latent potentials. This is in accord with the Mercury Retrograde period which lasts until March 10.  New plans are not generally favored.  It is better to repair or reconstruct what you have been doing over the years or months.  "A man in a gloomy enclosure enters a dark passage which finally conducts him into the light of a glorious day."  What "finally" means depends on your circumstances, but patience is recommended. 

Concern about money is normal, but one ought not to worship it or be stingy.  If one were reclusively self-centered, fearing loss, one could lose the real thing, happiness.  Nevertheless some may have a gambling urge, or drive themselves toward unusual gain, like a jockey on his steed.  Eagerness for life is a good thing.  One could practice toward acquiring more of life's privileges if that seems natural. 

The confident trine of Mars with Uranus, now doubled by the sun, Mercury and Luna all in good aspect with both, is energizing, yet the five planets in earth signs want to be thorough in getting at the bottom of potentials. "A dark archway with ten logs at the bottom" hints at the esoteric doctrine that the planets' powers are involved, buried, in our ordinary material world, "logs" to be used in constructing our lives.  What can aid in this is supernal light from "a transcendental Sun," which illumines our consciousness and bestows psychic powers.  Perhaps this hides the Einsteinian conundrum of "the constant speed of light" and other mysteries beyond our normal awareness.  They confer brilliant gifts on whomsoever they adopt, and that person does not have to comprehend anything about the mathematical formulas of physics.  Rather, he or she lives them intuitively.

{Sunday}  ~Hidden Light Expands Toward Objectives~

Cosmic Piper

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