Friday, February 21, 2020

Message for Saturday 22 February 2020

Saturday 22 February 2020

}Wise Limits Prepare Deeper Concord{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon went void-of-course Friday late (see yesterday's report) and remains v-of-c
until it enters Pisces at 10:38p PT | 1:38a(Su) ET | 6:38a(Su) UT

With a v-of-c all day, and Mercury retrograde, we may expect confusion, delay, uncertainty. However, if one is secure in one's spiritual status, one could get through all this cheerfully. 

"The ascendant enveloped in gloom and blackness" correlates with the above. "This is the degree of death," says Charubel, and we have the coronavirus problem in some areas of the world.  It is recommended that one "live in the spirit" more than in the body, and that this might eventually resurrect the latter. One wants such resurrection because Mars is the leading planet in a bundle-shaped pattern, at the degree "Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance." In other words, you want to mobilize yourself for the "battle" or the contest of living, and you want to feel ready for that, perhaps with some others who are allies.

"Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus" means you might want to be out and about, in a crowded arena, even though there are indications that you want also to be securely confined to deal with the needs of your body.  Both are possible at various times of the day, though the v-of-c suggests that definite goals, in venturing out, should be limited, for they may shape-shift under your feet and transmogrify before your vision.  "A child of about five with a huge shopping bag" could purchase pointless items.  Expectations should be wisely limited.  Spiritual bliss exceeds costly pleasure.

Someone who meets some of your standards in a noticeable way could be good for you.  "A man and woman stand hand in hand, looking with affection toward each other."  This is amity, at least, or peace and concord, mixed with intimations of success in unusual ways through the intervention of a (probably female) friend. Differing opinions in politics or religion do not have to interfere with something deeper and more wonderful. 

{Saturday}  {Wise Limits Prepare Deeper Concord}

P. S. I venture not to predict concerning the Nevada caucus today, especially because of the void-of-course period and Mercury retrograde.  Probably we should not take the results very seriously as harbingers of things to come. Or, a second opinion is . . . Elizabeth Warren may do better than expected. 

Cosmic Piper

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