Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Message for Thursday 6 February 2020

Thursday 6 February 2020

~Roused Toward Wise Activity~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Saturday mid-morning

Feeling withdrawn, sullen, even misanthropic, is natural at times, though at best we might be able to overcome such states of consciousness.  We lose sympathy with human beings around us, who seem to be acting absurdly or pointlessly or irritatingly.  Maybe watching romantic comedies or whatever makes you laugh could help.  Too much isolation could lead to "nerveless apathy" unless we take ourselves in hand and steer by our intelligence.

"A target" suggests that a sort of rivalry or competition might be good for us, an attempt to do well in a game or the "game of life."  This requires concentration, which sometimes is more possible during the |difficult third| because we lose interest in frivolous things which could disturb our focus.  "A lightning flash" could be something which awakens you to the possibility of reform of yourself or others.  It requires force of character to pioneer in any direction.

There will be cooperation: "A bluebird standing at the door of the house."  We should be alert to rewards and welcome them.  The world speaks to us (through the "bluebird") of fortune we could take unto ourselves.  Favors could come from those who have influence or power.  "High truths" understood and felt uncover forbearance in our temperament, and suavity. 

{Thursday}  ~Roused Toward Wise Activity~

Cosmic Piper

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