Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Message for Thursday 1 August 2019

Thursday 1 August 2019

^Strength Increasing^

[If you are reading this Wednesday, note that the New Moon and Mercury turning direct both happen this evening, times given below.]

The Yod configuration with Mars at point focus, and the moon joining it, suggest something brave, bold, military or sportsmanlike, a desire for competition and winning. 

This is separate from some more mundane, boring, and useless activity, such as someone with "a shovel suspended in mid-air." What you choose to do you should do to completion. 

We need reassurance, during the Mercury retrograde period, that we know what we are doing, and we may look for this in unusual ways. Mercury turned direct late on Wednesday, 8:59p PT | 11:59p ET | 3:59a(Th) UT. However, it is still moving very slowly and we may feel the same old symptoms we have felt for the past three weeks---but they point to something better and now we feel more confident of that. We are working our way out of the MR cocoon in which we have been imprisoned. It was not pointless---much was done during that time, often in a subconscious or half-conscious way. Now we gradually realize what that was and where it is going. If we can't "fly" yet we may by the middle of August.

"The Zuni sun worshipers" could be almost literal in the month of Sol, Leo. Our fidelity to what sustains us is a virtue and a source of security.

Old things which seem almost dead to us could impede our progress, unless we are able to derive from them their living and valued essence before moving on. This is the first day of a new lunar month.

"An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl" are both trying to demonstrate their prowess, and each can in contrasting ways. The Mars side of girls and women is being activated, as it is in males, and so there can be impressive value in sharply molded action.

{Thursday} ^Strength Increasing^

The New Moon of Leo occurred Wednesday at 8:13p PT | 11:13p ET | 3:13a(Th) UT
Mercury turned direct just after that at 8:59p PT | 11:59p ET | 3:59a(Th) UT
This is unusual, a New Moon and fresh Mercury cycle concurring (Wednesday evening)
/the moon goes void-of-course Thursday at 1:49p PT | 4:49p ET | 8:49p UT

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Been a while, Hugh, we used to communicate via email. I don't know, like 10 years ago? I read your messages every day! And today, for some strange reason I am directed to your messages again.
    Fantastic, how the universe works =)
    Much love,
