Sunday, July 21, 2019

Message for Monday 22 July 2019

Monday 22 July 2019

^Peering from the Black Cavern^

What price freedom? One may feel wilful and daring, not caring if the intellect would verify one's actions but trusting one's instincts. Yet some tradition, an inheritance of common sense, acts as a steering wheel. One has to rely on something long-lasting and reliable in order to be secure from "enemies." 

Drifting through life seems like aimlessness. While Mercury remains retrograde for another ten days many factors seem non-directional, with a lack of executive decisiveness. "A broken wheel lies upon the ground while a horse grazes near by." This could be procrastination, but also ingenuousness. Things seem unconditioned apart from momentary nuances, "The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression."

I read the news, and ponder the strangeness of it. Do people really understand what is going on among Iran, the UK and the US concerning the UK's seizure of an Iranian tanker, or what the heck a Venezuelan fighter jet was doing shadowing American aircraft? AOC and "the squad" grab headlines, Trump attacks them, and charges and counter-charges are impossibly wild and worthless from my viewpoint. Without judging, one can just say, "Mercury is retrograde"--the mind going backward and people not really knowing what they are doing. "A black hole or cavern in a rock" has been the symbol for Jupiter since July 10, indicating "Vacuity" or "a black and barren prospect" or "inconstant and fruitless work." If you know there is something worth doing, you are lucky, and doing it would be holding up your portion of the cosmos from utter chaos. 

"A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south" could have multiple implications. These three may loll there, not knowing what to do or where to go. One or all of them may have to make a choice, or perhaps a provisional choice while things become clearer. An "inception" is an inception whether or not one may have to modify it later, but wise choice is best. 

One has in mind something like "A strong castle on a high rock, whose flag with a crown is extended in the wind," that is, one knows one ought to be the master of that castle no matter how the blowing wind seems to upset things until one can claim one's true status or position.

^Peering from the Black Cavern^

Cosmic Piper

Monday 22 July 2019
Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:35a PT | 4:35a ET | 8:35a UT
until it enters Aries at 3:03a PT | 6:03a ET | 10:03a UT

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