Monday, July 8, 2019

Message for Tuesday 9 July 2019

Tuesday 9 July 2019

}A Reprimanding Slap?{

There is danger of putting one's self-interest above everything else to the point that one is, unknowingly, rather beastly, like "a bull tossing a man with its horns" because it didn't get what it wanted. Or, the "bull" could be the Bull Market we have had for years, now perhaps pulling away and paining the bottom lines of those who trusted in it too much for too long. 

The "rock formations at the edge of a precipice" were discussed yesterday and in the monthly report as suggesting we need to see when the cosmos is telling us "Thus far and no farther." This could apply to too-speculative investment and also to the possibility of earthquakes in California or maybe the Northwest. Costs could spiral and need to be contained. The sun's opposition with Saturn, exact today, is handled best with sobriety or even solemnity.

Then we will not be like the "man afloat upon a raft" because we will have pulled away from dangerous, half-baked adventures before they can set us adrift apart from all that sustains us such as family and best sustaining groups or friends. 

Some may feel a little like Jeffrey Epstein who was something like the snake in the symbol "A dove lies upon the ground while over it a snake is poised in an attitude of attack." The dove would be the young girls he used in his sex trafficking.  Others may feel like one of the doves. The symbol shows "a subtle fascination or a secret attachment." 

Luxurious pleasures and stimulants quickly lead to satiety, "A cluster of faded exotics, very sweet and sickly to the smell." A part of us, frail and timorous, may want to lean on their fictitious support.

We may try to appropriate what is not yet ours by being "Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade," attempting in perhaps a laughable manner to be something we haven't yet become though we are in the process. A dress rehearsal is part of the procedure no matter if partly embarrassing.

{Tuesday}  {A Reprimanding Slap?}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 9 July 2019
Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains with us until wee hours of Wednesday
< moon in the Via Combusta
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:36p PT | 3:36p ET | 7:36p UT
You can see from the above that this is not an easy day. Let's be patient and strong.

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