Monday, July 15, 2019

Message for Tuesday 16 July 2019

Tuesday 16 July 2019

\Taciturn Yet Hopeful/

I felt like Tweeting some astrological nuggets for those who don't read these reports:

India aborts moon launch. Mercury is retrograde. Go slow with anything new. Things get tangled. Learn slowly.  

Politicians are saying things which get them in trouble. Mercury retrograde: Sometimes it's better to say nothing or very little.  

People go nuts during Mercury Retrograde. Interest in the paranormal increases. People want to go to Area 51 in search of UFOs.  

People accusing one another of racism repeatedly and relentlessly is the most boring political nonsense I have ever suffered.  

Venus opposite Saturn: Love is challenged to go deeper--to either doubt itself completely or find itself in new ways.  

Tuesday:  Things are tight at the emotional level---tense, edgy. Venus is opposite Saturn exactly and that is the "Nobody loves me" aspect, or the "I don't love anybody aspect"---take your choice. Or, lift it higher than that toward the "I guess I can try to love everybody" aspect. You can sense people's sufferings or resentments, and that will not make you angry or resentful yourself if you realize it is a general condition people have to work through.

There is pioneering energy, with Mars beginning a trine with Jupiter in fire signs. However, the Mercury retrograde period (to August 1) does not favor radically new plans, only those which have been mellowed in "oak barrels" for a while and tested. The pioneering is on the mental level at this point.

High aspirations are wonderful and have an effect on the world, even on your neighborhood. 

There is rejuvenation of the sort which says "I am really going to make it some day, but not today." Delays are natural at this point and need not be resented, nor should they be allowed to block high hopes, merely moderate or mute them for a while.

"A black hole or cavern in a rock," symbolizing Vacuity, fruitless efforts and loss of friends, is what all politicians seem to be going through at this moment. No one is the victor in their skirmishes. As for yourself, you can leave pointless efforts in that "cavern" while attending to what makes sense. 

If feeling estranged, one may be self-reliant and taciturn, like "A horseman armed moving across a desert towards some woody hills."  This too shall pass. Waiting is part of life. The Full Moon gives illumination internally as well as externally, and that can be enough to keep good intentions and hopes alive. "The germ grows into knowledge and life," so you let personal realizations dominate your consciousness while it expands toward future fulfillment.

{Tuesday}  /Taciturn Yet Hopeful\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 16 July 2019
Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is still with us (until after sunrise Wednesday)
 Full Moon of Cancer-Capricorn at 2:39p PT | 5:39p ET | 9:39p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at that moment

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