Sunday, July 28, 2019

Message for Monday 29 July 2019

Monday 29 July 2019

~Mysteries of Time Alive and Recoiling~  

Complaining about Mercury being retrograde is not perhaps the best way to present these reports. Nevertheless it's what I feel like doing again.

Each time it happens it's as if it is the first. I find out new and old things about it. For example:

Don't you have a pile of things (they've been piling up) you "have" to do but keep postponing? With me a lot of it is communications. People I need to write to; people I 'owe" a letter or an explanation. There was an unexpected request for a survey from my landlord which I really want to complete but it will take a half hour and I demur. An unexpected vote in Seattle coming up next week and I have not even read about the issues or candidates. A card of condolence I need to send to an old friend whose mate passed on. Whatever it is in your life, don't you see these things piling up? But wouldn't you rather have some entertainment or lie down and dream or enter your fantasy life for a while? That's the Mercury R tendency; and yet the "things piling up" are from the Past and the REtrograde is a REview of the past, often, and it has to be done. There is sheer escape, being a REnegade; and there is REsponsibility. Somehow these two are accented and highlighted during these times and we have to make choices over and over for one and then the other, usually in "out of pattern" ways, apart from our usual scheduling. "Oh hang it, I'm not going to stick to that boring routine today." And so on. But even doing the REsponsible things may require a RElinquishment of the usual or ordinary scheduling. 

I woke up this morning "knowing" that I had to write a certain letter. Rather than do my usual study, I did a little of it and then interrupted it to write the letter. Out of pattern. But it seemed right. 

Rather than write this report around noon, as planned, I rested, dreamed, fantasized; then went to a sidewalk patio cafe to people-watch and study horoscopes and write notes on a pad. I actually overheard a young man say to his young woman friend, "Dinner is not the same as dessert." Hmm. We enter a different dimension while Mercury is REnegade. 

It helps me to think about all this, so that I realize I am not going nuts or "losing it" but am just in different kind of time for a few weeks. (Mercury turns direct August 1, or very late on July 31st, but the Dark or Slow period continues until August 15. )

Another way to look at it: It's as if we are living in the past as well as the present. We reconnect with our past and people "from" the past who, of course, are still present (even if they are "beyond the pale" of the physical world). Also, we REview and REthink everything, as if that were more important than "getting on with" current pressing events. Maybe it is! Sometimes. Always our judgment is challenged. Prayer is good, because it links us with a higher dimension where "all things are possible."

~Mysteries of Time Alive and Recoiling~

Monday 29 July 2019
Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (most intense Tuesday morning) until Wednesday

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