Sunday, July 7, 2019

Message for Monday 8 July 2019

Monday 8 July 2019

}Reality Endured and Transformed{


I am not claiming the ability to predict earthquakes or even give high probabilities of when they might occur. Nor do I know any astrologer who does. It might be possible to add some astrological savvy to the art of predicting them, if someone could spend months and years studying all the data. That is not likely to be my job. I work with what I can see as a lonely pioneer. I try to pipe in tune with the cosmic chords and melodies.

What I see just now is that the biggest recent quake in Southern California, when many were actually killed, was on January 17, 1994. A glance at the ephemeris for that date is eye-opening. There were five planets concentrated in the sign Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the "big bad" planet of, sometimes, calamities or else just natural limitations. Further, Saturn was in Aquarius, squared to Pluto in Scorpio by just over one degree. Saturn, Uranus and Mars would be the natural earthquake "suspects" among the planets, but also Pluto when ill-aspected. Confirming the role of Mars and Uranus, Mars was square Uranus by less than one degree, by 28 minutes of arc, on 1/17/94. Now, look at where they were on January 4 and 5, when two large quakes (one over 7 magnitude) hit again: On the 5th Mars was square Uranus by less than four degrees. He is approaching that square now, and it will be exact on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The moon will be square Saturn today (Monday) and Tuesday, and in the Via Combusta through Wednesday and some of Thursday. I do not want to alarm Californians, but this does not look good. 

Add to this what I saw from a meteorologist on CNN: She expected that IF there is to be another large quake, or "big one," the chances are, based on statistics, that it would occur within a week of the one on the 5th. That would concur exactly with what I reported in the previous paragraph from an astrological viewpoint. So I would suspect that the larger chances of a new large quake hitting would be Monday through Thursday this week. This is not "pseudo-science" nor is it claimed to be a prediction, any more than the meteorologist's statistical projection was a prediction. It is just trying to make some sense of the data we have. So, if no quake hits this week, and I hope it doesn't, maybe California will be "safe" for a while again. 

I did not mention that, also, the sun is opposite Saturn, the prime earthquake planet (with Mars and Uranus), in Saturn's own earth sign Capricorn, and that will be exact on Tuesday, but within a few degrees of exact all week. Saturn was exactly square Pluto in the 1994 event and is conjunct it by five degrees now. 

Not trying to be scary but I thought it would be worth reporting this. Even if there is no large quake, the above might show that Californians, and maybe some Seattle-ites, are at least thinking about quakes and trying to be better prepared for them. Astrology mostly shows what is going on in our experiences, which include our thinking and planning. 

Monday:  Travel is on people's minds. There is a desire for discovery, and also for escaping uncongenial or threatening circumstances. One studies things at a distance.

The symbol "Rock formations at the edge of a precipice" is remarkably apt for the anxieties of Californians who have just been through another earthquake scare. It was in the chart for this month of the Crab and is in today's chart. Maybe the protective rocks will prevent disaster, if we heed them in time. The keyword "Endurance" is what Californians are doing, and all of us in one way or another.

To be isolated and lonely is to face vicissitudes and hardships. An unstable position does not mean that one has been abandoned by G*d nor does it have to remain unstable forever.

A pioneer who overturns others' confusions is like a flash of lightning. You may know one and learn from him or her. You may be one if mature enough to voice Reality.

Someone with a strong personality does not have to be a tyrannical bully, nor relish being a scourge. Rather, something the opposite of that pained and painful nature is calling to him, "Two fairies on a moonlit night." With the sun trine Neptune plus Venus sextile Uranus (exact now) and the sun quintile Uranus, you may fly with a fellow "fairy" into some ascendant realization of release, transforming sensitivity, healing imagination, dynamic fancy.

{Monday}  {Reality Endured and Transformed}

Cosmic Piper

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